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Diarist A10 Day08

EDLM #3 4/27/18

Ugh! I’m awake at 6:30 AM, and I’m not okay with this haha! I have to be somewhere at 7. Can’t be too mad, though, since I did this to myself. I actually think I might be running late, so I’ll write more later

Okay, now that I’m where I need to be—aaaand there’s already problems happening. Haha! Like I said before, I had to be somewhere at 7, and I’m relatively early, but the other person apparently must’ve forgotten. Have you ever had that happen to you before? Someone just forgetting an arrangement that the two you made together? Or even worse, someone just plain forgetting that you exist altogether? Ugh, that’s the worst feeling. Well, because I’m SUCH a patient and forgiving person (*deep eye roll*), let’s keep waiting and see what happens next.

Well, the appointment went well for the most part. This morning started off just, really crappy, but before I left, a woman complimented me on my tattoos and we had a short, nice conversation. Made me feel a little better. I’m at the Soup Kitchen now, waiting in line. I’m super tired.

Fell asleep after eating. Gonna sit in my car for a while until it’s time to go to work, at noon. Tired.

I kinda forgot about the diary, but not a lot has happened since this morning. I went into work and spend my ENTIRE shift and then some with one person. After looking at a computer screen for over four hours, I have a pretty big headache. After work I went to see my chiropractor. Was stuck in traffic for over 40 minutes *grunt*. Called the office, though, and they said they’d still see me even though I’d be late, so that worked out. Now I’m at Chili’s getting my dinner on, and I was thinking of seeing a movie, but I’m still undecided, and it might even be too late to get a ticket. I’ll guess I’ll have to see…

Well, I decided to see the movie and was just barely able to buy a ticket. Saw Avengers: Infinity Wars. It was pretty swell. I also saw a couple people I know, and that can sometimes be a good feeling. At least, it happened to be that way for me tonight. I’m going to bed now; super sleepy. There’s an hour left in this day, so I probably won’t be writing anymore tonight.
Good night, pleasant dreams.