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Diarist J70 Day 17

Today I woke up at 5:30 for my nursing clinical at 6:30. Today was my day to work on the psych floor at Ball Memorial Hospital. I was very tired when I woke up and slept a bit longer than I normally do. This meant I didn’t have time to eat breakfast. I rode to clinical with a classmate and arrived around 5 minutes early. My mood improved throughout my morning and by the time I got to the floor I was excited to get started. During clinical I had to take care of a patient detoxing from alcohol who was experiencing a lot of visual hallucinations and tremors. This was a very surreal and kind of scary moment for me. The staff was not sure if that patient would become violent, so it was a waiting game. I also sat in on my patients zoom court hearing about the possibility of being committed by a judge to a state hospital. I ate Subway for lunch at 11:30. After lunch I worked on paperwork and provided a patient education session about healthy relationship qualities. I got off clinical at 2:45 today and got home at 3:00. I was very emotionally and physically drained at this point in my day. I laid in my bed for about an hour before heading to the library at 4:00 with some friends to pick up equipment for an event I’m hosting this weekend for an organization I am in. When I got back, I worked on some nursing statistics homework before heading to dinner with some friends. We celebrated one of my best friends 21st birthday. After dinner I came back to me apartment so I could finish my homework before returning to my friend’s apartment. A friend from out-of-town came which made me super happy and we spent some time catching up. I left the party a bit early because my social battery was completely run out at this point. I got ready for bed and read a book before going to sleep around 12.