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Diarist F56 Day 22

This morning I woke up?at 7:00 and had my coffee. I chatted with my husband about the day and about some big life events coming…

Diarist A33 Day 22

EDLM Entry  May 12, 2023   Up at 7 a.m.  I cleaned house most of the day. I swept floors in the kitchen, dining room, living…

Diarist A07 Day 22

Friday, May 12, 2023    Friday started before Thursday was done, really. These diaries always seem to come when I’m doing something out of the…

Diarist A02 Day 22

12 May, 2023  A02  We’re up early—6:30 am. Today is not an everyday day. We (my wife, B and I) are in Springdale, Utah, in…

Diarist J88 Day 21

Dec. 31, 2022 and Jan. 1, 2023  2 pm, Dec. 31.   My original New Year’s Eve plan was to invite three friends over for dinner,…

Diarist F56 Day 21

December 31, 2022  When I awoke, I had been dreaming of an orange catastrophe–that is, in my own yard, I had suddenly grown an orange…

Diarist A28 Day 21

ELDM diary 1.1.2023  December decided to be cruel–a sudden death of a beloved Aunt, a nasty virus that held our household hostage for two weeks…

Diarist A01 Day 21

7:48 a.m. Saturday  Been treating this like a lazy day, so far, though it’s not. We’re having four people over for dinner tonight and have…

Diarist C46 Day 20

Diary Day: Sept 16    I wake up with my wife’s alarm around 7:30. I remember a dream that involved a vacation being cut short…

Diarist A33 Day 20

EDLM  September 16, 2022    My mornings consistently start with wondering how to organize the day and by greeting my deceased husband with “I love…