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Diarist A01 Day06

Day Diary Nov 14 2017 5:44-7: Alarm goes off at 5:30; I hit the snooze twice. At 5:44 I get up just as Bruce Hornsby’s…

Diarist Z39 Day05

It’s 6:15 and it’s the half price sale at work today. I’m really not looking forward to it. Customers get violent, people smear human waste…

Diarist Z38 Day05

March 5, 2015 No alarm set for today. I’m awakened by the 7 o’clock text message I receive. I read it, check the time and…

Diarist A34 Day05

Diary entry: March 06, 2016 This has been an actual weird week for me. We found out that after our parent company has said we…

Diarist A06 Day05

4am 4am dogs woke me up, let them out. Can’t remember if I fed them at that time. Back to bed and did crossword puzzles…

Diarist Z43 Day04

Sunday 2/28 Diary 8:00 alarm goes off. I enjoy waking up when the sun is shining through the window. We’ve got a golf recruit on…

Diarist Z39 Day04

I don’t want to wake up this morning. It’s 6:30 and still dark outside. I want to make breakfast but I don’t want to wake…

Diarist Z38 Day04

2/28/16 Sunday alarm 7 am. My husband hits the off button and says “a few more minutes.” We doze back off, I look at the…

Diarist B37 Day04

Day diary, February 28, 2016 5:45 – in bed awake fretting about the big life-decision question facing the family. My giving up worrying for Lent…

Diarist A30 Day04

2-28-16 With my daughter at my parent’s house and my wife out of town, it makes for a very quiet Sunday morning, which is very…