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Diarist A05 Day06

Hello Diary,
7:51 am.I woke around 6:30 am.I meditate for twenty minutes. Then I walk downstairs to pack lunch for my husband J while I wait for the water to boil. I don’t have a client until 10:00 am. today so, It is a good time to get started with this. I am not accustomed to typing and I feel awkward.
It has been suggested to me that I could begin writing a short book about about my life. I have considered that there are people who might benefit from my story so as not to feel so alone in their own struggle. It could be therapeutic for me as well as I navigate myself after loosing my son to a drug overdose on the day of The Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017.
I am awakened in the night with tears of unknown origin. I lie awake while the house is still chasing memories of my happy little blond boy.
My new husband thinks I might be depressed. My reply always the same is that this too will pass but, I feel misunderstood and, I fear the distance between us.
8:30 am. Yoga Practice
9:00 am. Shower
9:30 am. I’ll unload the car after last nights shopping spree at the Dollar Store. I was able to cover two Holidays and two Birthdays with paper adornment and frivolously decorated useful items. My grand-son L is Living with us several days each week. Last night after dinner I drove him home to his Mom and took advantage of alone time by shopping.
Scheduling appointments…
10:00 am. First Client of the day and, I will be busy until 6:45 pm. Our band which is called [] has practice at 7:00 pm. We have a gig on Friday at the Farmland Community Center as a part of their Friday Night Dinner Theater series. J and I have invited fourteen family members to the show plus we will be celebrating my Dads Birthday.