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Diarist A06 Day08

6am: up to alarm, have to sub today at the elementary school I used to work at. Fed all the animals, then got coffee and breakfast ready to sit at computer for a bit while I eat. Read that a dvd sold on ebay. I have been selling misc. things on there to help with income. Had to get that package ready to ship. I am now a substitute teacher that just works in special needs classes for a county school system and a “preferred provider” for 3 families who have kids with autism and need “respite care” or daily care needs at home. Both jobs are part time.

6:45am: Got dressed and got lunch ready for work and left at 7:15 to drive to Albany

7:37am – 2:15 pm: Late to work, but it wasn’t a big deal. Kids got there at 8am and I had to help 2 of them eat breakfast working on their communication devices to encourage them to request what they wanted for breakfast.

Followed the Kids’ schedules and participated in small group activities per the teacher. I had a “reading group” where we did various activities with the alphabet and the kids’ names. There is a new student in that class who had some minor behavioral challenges, so the entire day was sort of juggling different personality conflicts and supervising safe interactions. We got “sprinkled out” of our community walk (it tried to rain), but it would have been a fairly long walk, so I didn’t mind. I left at 2:15 in anticipation of going to my second job at 3:30 after running back to Muncie to let my dogs out.

2:30pm: Got home and let dogs out for a hot second, but they didn’t want to come in b/c of the beautiful, warm sun I had to round them up and head off to Eaton for my second job. My boyfriend had called a few times about a powered paint sprayer that he found at a rummage sale and I returned that call. Hoped that the sprayer wasn’t ruined and clogged as he didn’t test it before buying it.

3pm: The second job shift was canceled per the behavior clinician who would have met with me at the child’s house. Kid’s mom called me while I was headed north that way. I felt pretty bad as I had told the kid “I’ll see you at 3:30 at YOUR house tonight!” so I asked his mom to explain to the non-verbal kid that I am not a liar, that we had to cancel. His receptive understanding is good, just not expressive language.

Instead of heading to Eaton, I stopped for dog food and bought seed potatoes for my garden and Mom’s garden as well as onion sets to put in both gardens. Then, I was able to pick up a new prednisone script at Target for neck pain. Too much gardening and heavy duty yard work was causing bad pain in my upper neck. My left wrist also feels sprained; too much digging. Then called my friend in Yorktown to see if I could come by and pick up a t-shirt. So canceling the shift was ok as I got errands done.

415pm: Got to Yorktown to pick up the t-shirt. I do respite care for her daughter and they are participating in the Autism Walk tomorrow at the fairgrounds and the friend had shirts made with her daughter’s name on them. The cutie likes to see people wearing shirts with her name on them. There will be a group of friends and caregivers of the girl who are walking on her “team.” I was super tired, so I snuck out with out visiting the little one who was playing out back with her dad on a new swing.

4:30pm: picked up Dad’s meds at Walgreens

5pm: Finally arrived home to let dogs out in the warm sun again. Planted some of the potatoes in “tater sacks” that I prepped a day or so ago. I sewed them out of recycled landscape fabric that I pulled up elsewhere. Then filled them with home made compost from my pile. Set up a hose and sprinkler to my full rain barrel and watered some seeds that I had planted earlier in the week and the tater sacks.

5:30pm Fed dogs and cats and cleaned litter boxes in the basement.

6pm: Checked in online to see if there are any emails or messages regarding this weekend. Wasted a bunch of time chatting about stupid stuff.

7pm: Logged off to go round up dogs from outside and finish chores before hitting the bed early with a heating pad. Took the first dose of pred earlier after I picked it up. Neck still really painful. Showered before bed

8pm: In bed watching some Netflix shows. Old “freaks and geeks” episodes. Also crime shows on tv.

11pm: Fell asleep