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Diarist A07 Day06

6:00-8:30 My alarm went off @ 6:02. I didn’t actually get out of bed until 6:43, like usual. I spent about 10 minutes on social media on my phone before I got up. I hate that I do that; I wish that I’d just get up and call that good, but that never happens.
First things first, take the dog (SW) out. He peed in the kitchen again, but at least it wasn’t in his bed. Moving his crate to the kitchen was a good idea. Things seem to be getting better with him, and I’m hopeful that he’ll continue to get over his long stint in the shelter.
Feed SW, give him his arthritis medication.
Get ready: shower, make up, hair … I have a big meeting today, so I want to look right, which means I picked my red peekaboo pumps. I know they’re going to hurt my feet, but they TOTALLY make the outfit. Sigh.
SW wanted to play in the middle of getting ready. I can’t say no to that face! He’s so funny!! He’s still adjusting to it all though, and I think it might have scared him a little bit. *Sad face*
Take SW out one more time before I leave

8:45 Pick up a car from car pool. They had me scheduled for the Chevy, but I got it switched to the Ford. I hate the Chevy; it makes me feel old and frumpy. The Ford is fun to drive.

9-10:45 Drive to Indy for my meeting. I finally got the stupid car to pair with my iPad, which it never has before. I listened to a This American Life episode that was a memorial of sorts to a friend of the show. He died of cancer 5 years ago. It was a sad, funny, interesting show.
Parking downtown is always such a pain. I think that I managed to park in the most expensive lot in the bloody city.
Meet D before the meeting. Fucking shoes. I always think that they can’t be as bad as I remember, but they’re worse. Every time.

11-1 Meeting with D and some major state-policy makers … can I say who they are here? Can I talk about the meeting at all? I’m not sure, so I guess I won’t. I can’t imagine it would be a bad thing – we’re just reporting on the research and work that we were asked to do – but to be on the safe side …
I was SO tired during this meeting. How is that possible? It’s an exciting meeting; I’m crazy thrilled to be here, but all I want to do is take a nap. I wonder if I’m getting sick?
I love my job.
Get coffee.

1:30-3 Drive home. I listened to another TAL episode – this one was about talking on the phone. One segment was about a guy trying to commit suicide who called up a radio talk show. Another was about talking to your mom, and then her husband when she died. I should call my mom more often. Ugh. It makes me feel like a bad daughter when I think about it, but she’s kind of a bad mom … stupid radio show.
Stop at UPS on the way back to return my old router to Xfinity. Finally.

3:15-6 Drop off car and drive home.
Take SW out.
I’m exhausted, and need to nap. I love naps. I love naps with SW even more.
Text C. and tell him I’m not going to make it on the run today. If I’m getting sick I want to rest more.
When I wake up it’s dark – it’s getting dark WAY too early these days!!
Lay around for another 30 minutes while I wait for SW to wake up; take SW out again.

6-8:15 Get SW’s dinner ready; get my dinner ready (i.e. heat it in the microwave)
I think this soup is maybe going bad. How old is it? Over a week. 10 days? There isn’t anything else to eat, and I don’t want to cook anything. I’ll chance it. It’s almost gone.
Watch the new Star Trek Discovery. Great show. Mid-season finale. Text B&A about our next podcast. Find out B twisted his ankle on a run – looks really gross! I feel bad for him, but I’m also worried it means he’s going to back out of the Ragnar. I hope not. Thinking about Ragnar makes me feel bad about not running today though.

8:15-9 Phone chat with F from the New York Times about being on a panel they are hosting in Indy in Dec. Talk about community vulnerability, automation, policy and community responses. Interesting chat. I’m excited about the panel. Also, a bit bewildered. I love my job.

9-10:40 Do some background research on the potential case sites for my next research project while I watch Shameless. Fitting, in a way. Watching a show about poverty in urban areas while I do some research on poor communities in rural areas. Both are kind of depressing.

10:40-11:00 Talk to M on Facetime. We talk about how busy we are, like always. We may need to review the “don’t try to one-up each other” rule. We’re digressing. It was good to see him though – both cats came out to say hi. I miss them. SW was running around and playing while we were chatting, so I showed M. It was pretty funny. I’m excited for M to meet SW, but I know he won’t be as enamored as I am. That’s fine. He’ll make a good show of it.

11-11:45 Take SW out again. Put him to bed.
Get ready for bed myself.
Get into bed. Forgot my phone. Get out of bed. Come back to bed. Forgot to turn down the heat. Get out of bed. Come back to bed.
Look at my phone for 15 minutes. Watch a stupid 7 minute video, the entire time thinking “GO. TO. SLEEP!!”
Finally go to sleep.