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Diarist A12 Day08

4/27/18 EDLM Diary
Friday, April 27, 2018
7:45 AM
My husband’s alarm went off @ 3:30 a.m. since he has to work 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. today. I eventually went back to sleep until MY alarm went off @ 5:00. The first thing I realize after I’ve turned my alarm off is my allergies are very present & my neck hurts.
I get dressed to walk, open the bedroom door & am “greeted” by our 3 cats. They walk past me to get to the water fountain in the bedroom-brats. I let the “puppy” (who is now 13+ months old) out of her crate & SHE says hello & I let her out to do her business. After putting food in the cat’s bowls & filling the water bowls, I let the puppy back in & put some treats & peanut butter in her Kong to keep her busy while I stretch. If I don’t do that she’s either chasing the cats or trying to maul me on the floor. I put her back in her crate so I can go walk on the treadmill.
While walking on the treadmill I was watching an episode of Bosch where they are burying a Police officer who was shot in the line of duty. It’s hard to watch because I know that could be my husband on any given day if things go bad. That leads me to think about the bad wrap police officers get & people don’t think about what they deal with on a daily basis. I’ve seen it first hand when I’ve done ride a longs with my husband. How rude & disrespectful not to mention threatening people are. There’s so much more I could say but I’ll just leave it at that.
While I’m in the shower my thoughts wander over a myriad of different topics including an incident that occurred yesterday at work I’m having a hard time letting go &/or working through. I know like other times past I’ll work through it but it will take time. It bothers me when people are disrespectful or inconsiderate.
I hadn’t been at work too long & my desk phone rang, it was my husband. He called to tell me he loves me & hopes I have a good day. As I’m talking to him I think to myself how lucky I am he is my husband but that isn’t an uncommon thought. After being together for 14 years I still think he’s AWESOME!!
I’ve managed to get through my morning which consisted of a meeting that went over a half hour. Unfortunately it was a mtg right before lunch so I got a late start on lunch. I went home & let the puppy out. I heated up a couple of leftover brats & watched the puppy chase 2 of the cats. It’s a never ending battle to try & get her to stop. The cats don’t help though, they “tease” her by purposely walking in front of her & various other things.
The afternoon at work was fairly uneventful. I left about 10 minutes early because my back was really hurting & the sun was out. It was nice to drive home with the sunroof open.
When I got home I opened the windows in the sunroom for the cats (yeah, they aren’t spoiled at all). I changed my clothes & went for a walk in the neighborhood with the puppy. She tried to eat 3 small kids. I don’t know why she does that, she’s been around little kids since she was little. I guess she saw them as a threat. Anyway, it was so nice to hear the birds singing & the sounds of the other wild life.
Once I got back to the house I changed into my “comfies” & decided I didn’t want to mess with making dinner so I grabbed a couple of frozen pizzas from the freezer. I waited until my husband got home to put them in the oven.
Horrible stories from my husband’s day. A 7 year old severely beaten by his step father & a 2 year old hung itself on window blind strings. Did I mention earlier the horrible things cops have to see every day? Kids being miss treated is the worst!
After dinner/during dinner we watched Chicago Fire & Chicago Med On Demand. Now my husband has gone to bed because he has to start all over again in the morning. As I’m writing this my sweet baby German Shepherd girl is laying on the couch with me. She’s the sweetest baby & I love her dearly. She loves to lay on the couch with me while I watch T.V., she likes to periodically give me kisses. If I watch a show that makes me cry she gives me “hugs” & kisses…how sweet is that? Yeah, she’s not spoiled either 🙂
As I’m writing this I am thinking about all the things I need to get done this weekend. One thing I’m looking forward to is a cookout at a friend’s house tomorrow evening. I just hope my husband is able to get off work in time. He often does not…
I’m going to watch some Bosch before I go to bed, I’m guessing I won’t be up too much longer, it’s after 9:00 Now.
It’s official, I fell asleep on the couch with the puppy while I was watching Bosch. So this is where I say good night (10:20 pm). It’s the end to another day of diary writing.