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Diarist A13 Day06

Tuesday 14th November 2017:
6:15 am: I woke up after a good night sleep and went to charge my phone because it was out. I went to the bathroom and did my daily ablutions to perform mu morning prayer, cleaned up my make up form yesterday, and brushed my teeth. I looked at my braces to see if my teeth have improved. Smiled for the day! I also finished getting dressed and I ironed my hijab because it had a lot of creases. After that I applied my make up and used Narcisso’s Roller Ball fragrance on my wrists and behind my ears. I love the way it smells in the morning. It is so fresh. Then I prayed my morning prayer.
7:00 am: I woke up my children L and S to get ready for daycare. L is first because she is easier to dress up. S is next. He still wants to wear his Skelton shirt even though Halloween is over.
7:30 am: Took the kids to day care, as I hoped the car will work since it was having battery problems. L first, then S. L goes to River of Life day care and S goes to Apple Tree. I feel concerned that they are not learning a lot of Arabic, so I renew my promise to speak to them in Arabic even if it’s some sort of code switching.
7:45 am: I went back home to get my bags and head off to school. I am trying to remember if I had anything due for grad class today!
8:15 am: I arrived at Ball State green parking lot, and I leave my car and wait at the bus stop as I decide that it’s too cold to walk.
8:25 am: I take the green shuttle and I’m dropped off at RB. In the bus everyone seems to be busy with their phones. I feel so sad that no one ever says Hi anymore because they are so so occupied with their phones.
8:40 am: I arrive at my new Graduate Assitant’s office. I’m so excited to occupy this space and to start teaching class next semester. I did great during observations. I also checked my tutoring center schedule and it is full. Because the term is coming to an end, everyone wants to revise their papers. I feel so happy to help as a tutor at the writing center.
9:00 am: I think I should get some caffeine from the machine downstairs before the 9:30am class.
9:30- 10:45am: Me and my friends are so happy with our offices that we forget that class starts at 9:30 so we rush to class. During this class we have discussions about grading papers and what the best practices for grading are. My coffee from the machine did not kick in yet, as I felt drowsy still as I was listening to the discussion. I contemplate about the habit of writing everything down, and how today I did not bring in my note pad. Towards the end of the class we have a small workshop on working on our own grading criteria.
10:45 am: I head back to my office and then off to the writing center to prepare for my online tutoring appointment. I look at my bare office and think that I should personalize it. I promise that I will start bringing in things tomorrow, as well as find good picture frames for my kids’ pictures. I look at my watch and its already 10:55am. I think that I should rush to the writing center.
11:00-11:55: My appointment takes up the whole hour. I had an international student who was worried about grammar in his paper. When I took a look at it I found that it was full of mistakes. I kept looking for ways to correct him without changing his voice in the paper. I felt frustrated with some sentences as I couldn’t figure out what the client wanted to say. I kept asking him for more clarifications. We he talks with me about it he says it more clearly than the paper. I ask him to write what he just said because it makes much more sense.
11:55_ 12:50: I have another client who was meeting me face to face. He wanted help with his paper about road racing and road cycling. I felt that he didn’t like that I was an international student as he was quite as I made many comments on his paper. Although I felt that we ended the appointment successfully, I felt that he did not enjoy the experience of getting someone to look at his paper. He refused to so a survey for me, and just left. I feel anxious, and worried as to what I could have done better.
1:00 1:30: I was glad that my shift is over. I promised my husband yesterday that I was going to help him on his project. He needed another set of eyes on his paper. So, I ride the green shuttle to go back to the green space parking and drive home. I was loving the weather. It was really nice and sunny. Not a typical November weather.
1:30- 2:30: I get home. My husband is still sleeping in. I get a call from my mother, who was telling me that she wants to visit me soon. I feel so excited, but then I remember that she isn’t in good health and I hope that the trip won’t make her sick. I keep thinking of all the things I have to do for my grad class. I feel overwhelmed. I also keep thinking on my proposal at the back of my mind and how I can make it better.
2:30- 4:30: my husband wakes up and he wants me to make him his dose of Turkish Coffee. I make that for him and bring in some dates from back home. I remember that I need to pray my noon and late noon prayers. So bring the coffee to my husband and I make my ablutions again and prary. After that I set with my husband to work on his project.
4:30- 5:45: we decide to get some dinner from IHOP, because it’s been a long time since we went there. My husband tells me some funny stories about his uncle who has recently passed away and how he misses him. I think about the shortness of life and how we need to live every single moment and embrace it with all our might.
5:45- 6:30: I go with my husband to pick the kids up from daycare and my husband wants to take S to get him a batman action figure. T takes S to Walmart and comes back with a big Batman action figure. L got a kitchen toy!
6:30- 7:30: I make the kids some dinner, rice, meat and soup. I’m trying to make my son depend on himself so I ask him to eat by himself, and he agrees. I spoon feed L who is only 2 years old and help her with her dinner.
7:30- 8:00: preparing children for bedtime, having them wear their PJ, brush their teeth and tell me stories ?
8:00: 8:30: I turn off the lights and sing the kids a few songs. I then become quite waiting for them to fall asleep.
8:30- 10:30:
I slept as I was sitting on the chair and when I woke up I felt so grumpy because I was planning to do some homework. I said to myself that tomorrow is another day and decided to sleep.