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Diarist A15 Day07

February 4, 2018
8:00 Woke up; checked phone for emails and Facebook
9:00 Got up and answered phone call from oldest daughter. Talked for 20 minutes.
9:20 Fixed coffee
9:30 Took shower and got ready for church
10:15 left for church; Lutheran Church of the Cross
10:30-12:00 in church
12:10 Arrived home; had hard cooked egg and left over Thai food for lunch; put chicken in crock pot for dinner
1:00 Cleaned up kitchen and started to do some work on the computer. Worked on some research toward an article I am collaborating on with 2 people. Also, got distracted and did some other computer surfing.
2:30-3:00 Read a book
3-5:00 Watched the Puppy Bowl and Kitty Bowl on TV. Straightened a bit of the house during this time.
5-6:00 Fixed more food for dinner and ate
6:00-10:00 Watched the Super Bowl at home with husband. Let cat in and outdoors several times. Not a very active day.