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Diarist A16 Day07

February 4, 2018

3:35 AM
My son C had his wisdom teeth removed Friday morning so I am up in the middle of the night making sure he gets his next dose of acetaminophen/ibuprofen we are alternating every three hours.

6:40 AM
Ditto-hard to make myself get up. Got him the pills and checked to see if it had snowed as predicted. Barely any snow. Then I decide to check the online weather report and couldn’t go back to sleep. They appear to have backed off our snow forecast and I move on to checking CNN for the headlines. Lots more “memo” info. I see Pink might have the flu and be unable to sing the anthem? LaBron might leave Cleveland? Checked out the news online with the ipad in bed for about 45 minutes until finally my eyes got heavy.

8:50 AM
Got up in time for my favorite television show CBS Sunday Morning! People are tired of me telling them about things I see on this show . . .but I love it and have been watching it since I was a child. When my father was in town for a weekend visit, my parents were divorced when I was 5, we would watch it at my grandmother’s. I am sure there was a time period in college where I didn’t watch it but for the past many years I never miss it if possible. My father who has since passed away liked to tell a story about how my first child when she was a preschooler told him we liked to watch “Mommy’s sun news and Daddy’s clock news.” That would be CBS Sunday Morning and 60 Minutes.

Now this daughter A, who is now 24, told me recently that there are people who live tweet CBS Sunday Morning and she says I should check them out. She says, “These are your people.” Ha. So I will attempt to sort of live tweet my favorite show in my diary. But I don’t tweet and will use more characters.

Story on the Boy Scouts now having female scouts is the source of some discussion in our living room. We have mixed feelings-good opportunities for girls including Eagle Scout program, families can share the activity, but what about impact on the Girl Scouts? Can boys join them-could the two groups join in some manner? Ahhh. . .now they are asking the head of the Girl Scouts her feelings and she is not only saying they were surprised by the move by the Boy Scouts, but is highlighting some of the great programs the Girl Scout organization has going as well. Apparently at least so far boys are not being invited to join the Girl Scouts. I am the only one in the household who was a scout. My husband P says I was only a Brownie scout but I correct him, I was a Girl Scout for a long while. He said, “Did you get any badges?” I inform him I have LOTS and I can go dig up my sash which I still have and can show him! My mom was a scout leader.

Rosa Parks was born on this date in 1913-Sunday Morning Almanac. EDLM Diary day is Rosa Parks birthday. 🙂

Huh, Janet Yellen was the Valedictorian of her high school class, the only woman to get a Ph.D. in economics from Yale in 1971. Second interview I have seen with her about her retirement. She is impressive.

Behind the scenes at The Puppy Bowl! I will have to share that one with my sister L in case she didn’t see it. I have never seen the puppy bowl but seeing all the work that goes into filming it is pretty funny. A lot of dedicated people trying to get these dogs a home.

Story revisiting Natalie Wood’s death and a 2008 Sunday Morning interview with Robert Wagner. My son doesn’t really know about Natalie Wood (other than recognizing her when they mention Miracle on 34th Street), Robert Wagner or anything about her death but he is interested that Christopher Walken who he knows from old SNL skits was on the boat. We all spitball theories of who could have killed her until everyone is covered but honestly, how can anyone attempt to solve this at this late date? I lean toward the tragic accident theory myself. It makes me sad this keeps coming up.

Interview with movie critic Rex Reed. We love to watch the Oscars at my house so are interested in his opinions on this year’s nominees for best picture. I am explaining to the kids he was at one time a very well-known critic. Oh no, he just said “Get Out” is the worst movie he has ever seen! He also loves “Call Me by Your Name,” hated “Dunkirk” and “The Post” is his favorite movie of the year. Those of us who saw it loved “The Post” but we are also fans of “Get Out” and “Dunkirk.” We have not yet seen “Call Me by Your Name.” Now he says he used to go to Oscars parties at the home of his friend actress Polly Bergen. “One year I watched the Oscars in Polly’s bed with Lucille Ball on one side and Paul Newman on the other.” I am going to have to upgrade my Oscar “party” I guess.

OK lots of good segments but I am behind.

They always have a Moment of Nature segment at the end and it is from Rocky Mountain National Park today. My husband comments it is one of the prettiest places he has ever been. He and I went once together many years ago but he has been several times.

10:50 AM
Now only sort of watching Face the Nation but started paying attention to this interview with Trey Gowdy. I am going to find it online and watch it again. He is being interviewed because of the infamous memo released this week. I don’t always watch Face the Nation. Toward the end he was asked about the fact he has announced his retirement from congress. What he says about why he is leaving and the difference between the justice system-where he worked before, feels he was successful and what he wants to return to-and politics was amazing. “The process matters.” P says he is really impressed with Margaret Brennan’s interviewing skills. John Dickerson recently left as host and we are wondering if she has the job or is filling in until a host is named?

I just looked up a transcript of the interview and here is part of what he said. Margaret Brennan asked him why he said he was “a lousy politician” and he said, “I see multiple sides of a single issue. And the fact that someone disagrees with me, does not make me challenge their love of the country. It doesn’t make me believe that they’re corrupt. I’ve got a lot of friends on the other side of the aisle. We disagree on this issue (the release of the memo and FISA court process in general I think), but– but I don’t question their love for the country and I don’t– I– I just– I don’t think the end justifies the means. I think the manner in which we get places matters, and in politics too often winning is the only thing that matters.”
“I see multiple sides of a single issue.” YES! Shouldn’t everyone?

11:20 AM
OK, end of political tirade. I need some breakfast. I usually enjoy making a big brunch on Sunday morning but given my son is still eating only soft foods I don’t want to cook a bunch of good things he can’t eat like our normal large batch of bacon. I am just making some eggs.
A has been making scones while I watch TV and I bet she is not happy I am not making some bacon. Those scones smell great though!

Finally eating, a scone and scrambled eggs.

FB message with daughter M who lives off campus at BSU, she will come over later for Super Bowl food. We always have the game on and enjoy some party food but we don’t have anyone over or go to a Super Bowl party. Pretty low key and we don’t have any particular interest in either team this year, or most years. . .other than the perennial hope the Patriots lose! My husband was a big Cleveland Browns fan when we met but later when the team was taken out of Cleveland and turned into the Ravens we got away from watching much professional football. We watch some and root for the Colts but mainly now my husband watches college football. He is an Ohio State fan. (P came to BSU from Ohio in the 70’s on a football scholarship, was a grad assistant in the 80’s with the BSU program and coached HS football for many years so football is always of some interest around here.)

Watching the documentary “Do I Sound Gay” while cleaning the kitchen and making homemade yogurt. This documentary is pretty interesting. I can’t recall where I heard about it but since I am a speech therapist I am finding it fascinating that this subject in the documentary is consulting various types of professionals since he doesn’t like the way his voice sounds. He has recently suffered a breakup and is feeling his voice is hurting his chances at love. I think he really has a self-confidence issue but he is 40 and is worried he will won’t find a long term relationship. There are lots of interesting points of view in this documentary. He does change his voice somewhat but seems to gain some confidence from interviewing lots of people and hearing a variety of points of view. He feels better in the end. I recommend it!
And also I recommend making yogurt, soooooo good! But that won’t be done until later this evening.

P just came in and said they actually have Puppy Bowl PRE-GAME on Channel 17. He is amazed there is a pre-game to this event he had never heard of until this morning so we turn that on. Pretty funny. There is a chicken who is playing the national anthem on a piano! Many animals besides puppies involved in this event. I find it funny P apparently was unaware of the Puppy Bowl before seeing the story about it this morning? How can this be? I never watch it but I have certainly heard of it. I think they said this morning it has been on something like 14 years? Now here we are, watching the “pre-game.”

Sent L the Sunday Morning story via FB earlier and just saw she had commented on it. She said she saw it and thought about texting me during it. She knows I would of course be watching my favorite program!

Made baked potatoes for everyone hoping C can eat that and he could. He is pretty tired of his diet of broth, pudding, applesauce and runny milkshakes by now.

I hear my husband from the other room. He has called his dad in Ohio. Telling him about C’s wisdom teeth and teasing him about if he is planning to watch the Super Bowl which he knows he is not. Grandpa is not a Super Bowl fan. He feels athletes are too cocky now and so no longer enjoys most professional sports. P is worried about his dad and had thought about driving over to Ohio this weekend to visit him but decided not to. He is worried about him getting sick this winter since he is 90 now and not in great health.
Now they are discussing the flu outbreak.
Sounds like P’s younger brother M is continuing to have trouble with AFib. That’s not encouraging. P has had trouble with this as well but it has been easily managed. Not so for M.
Talking about C’s need to recover from wisdom teeth as swim sectional is in a week and a half. Grandpa is sad he lives far and can’t come for events the kids are in.
P just shared how daughter M found out she got into her first grad school and how we will have three graduations this spring. Has to remind Grandpa who is apparently confused by this that he means daughter A with a master’s from BSU, daughter M with bachelor’s degree from BSU and son C from HS. Grandpa is apparently saying maybe he can come to the party. Sadly that is probably not the case.
Says he will send grandpa a copy of a publication M appears in. (Proud dad!)
Now they are discussing Natalie Wood’s death??? Which apparently Grandpa brought up?
Now they are discussing the Cleveland Cavaliers-LaBron might be going to Golden State.
One sided conversations are pretty funny.

While eavesdropping on the phone call to Ohio I have been texting with daughters about what they are up to and evening dinner plans. A has gone over to her office on campus to work but is not sure what time she is returning. Wants to be home for Super Bowl food. . .doesn’t care about the game she says but she does want to check out the halftime show though. Tells me about some controversy apparently surrounding Justin Timberlake performing including some issue with a Prince hologram that is rumored to be involved?

I really should be getting some house cleaning done but am so tired from an ongoing cold and the waking up every three hours schedule for C’s pain killers I have been enjoying minimal activity. I bet I have hardly any steps for today. On the other hand, my diary is long!

That was a long phone conversation. P is now filling me in on the stuff I couldn’t hear.
He is lamenting not calling more often but also that the conversation if difficult as grandpa can’t recall lots of things so gets confused, repeats himself, and is hard of hearing. So P goes off to take a nap. He plans to wake up in time for the Super Bowl then go back to school to do some lesson planning after the game instead of going right now.

Start some laundry and get dinner prep started.

M messages she still wants to come over but is worried roads are slick. I look outside and see it indeed does look slick. I hadn’t realized precipitation had started back up. She wants guacamole though so I think she will come. A is also not home yet so now I am worried about both of them driving. Start watching pre-game and making dinner. Pink does a great job with the anthem!

M hears from a friend it is not too slick and is on her way. I add more avocado to the bowl.

M has arrived and A is home so I can relax. Roads were not too bad after all. Making flank steak to go with leftover chicken for burritos and/or nachos. Also having homemade salsa and the guacamole.
The steak turned out really good and the game is going well. . .i.e. Patriots are down at halftime!
M and I enjoyed Justin Timberlake. P went out and got gas in both girl’s vehicles. We pointed out he would miss the halftime show. . .he was unconcerned.
Poor C has noodles and broth for dinner.
Lots of discussion with M and A. We are trying to make sense of the uproar A has told us about regarding JT’s performance. Not only are people upset about the Prince thing (which seemed to be a pretty nice tribute to me) but also upset on behalf of Janet Jackson-this relates back to the “nipple-gate” situation. I am really confused about why there is so much outrage about this halftime show on Twitter-this according to A, I don’t know about anything going on with Twitter first hand.
I Google to see what year nipple-gate was. . .wow, 2004. We get a laugh out of how the kids were all watching when that happened because I had made them watch! Then that happened. I had made a big deal out of how we should watch the halftime show even though P says it is always terrible. My theory is the halftime show and the entire Super Bowl are “important” from a cultural history standpoint. Even if you don’t like it or participate in it you should know something about it. We get a good laugh every year out of how I made my kids watch Janet’s exposed nipple.

Phone rings and I see it is our schools instant alert system, we are on a 2-hour delay for school tomorrow! Apparently the county roads ARE slick. Due to my lack of sleep recently, I am thrilled. And P won’t have to go to school now after the game, he can just go at the regular time tomorrow.

Game is over, the Eagles won, M made it back to her place safely and the kitchen is cleaned.
C is kind of grumpy, thinks his gum is bleeding again. I make him another milkshake. I was heading to bed but now staying up to check on his bleeding.

Bleeding seems better but not totally stopped and I can’t keep my eyes open. C and P are watching old John Stewart and John Oliver segments on YouTube-a favorite activity around my house. I suggest we should all go to bed! C says he is going to work on his research paper for science fair before going to sleep but we all head off to our rooms. I feel he should be resting but I guess it is good to know he is feeling stronger. I crawl in bed and start my DVD of the old TV series Northern Exposure which helps me unwind and fall asleep.
This has been a long day but I am heading to bed inordinately happy about that 2-hour delay!