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Diarist A17 Day06

6:30 AM
I feel so much better this morning. My mouth is a little sore from having a tooth restored yesterday, but I feel less sluggish. Hopeful I can get caught up on some work today.
8 AM
Took the bus to work this morning. The driver is a nice lady. Another passenger on the bus (a man) was talking to her about he and his girlfriend deciding not to have sex until they get married. Then proceeded to talk about how he doesn’t believe in marriage. Sounds to me like they made a decision to be celibate.
10 AM
Went to a meeting with M to talk about how Freshman advising uses their annual survey in performance reviews. I’m on the survey committee for upper division advising and we’re making an annual survey for our advisors. I enjoyed talking to M and some of the advisors there I know. I enjoy being part of this process. I like working with data and seeing what students have to say about their experiences.
1 PM
Left to go home for lunch. I was trying to remember where I parked when I remembered that I had bussed to work. Classic me. So I stopped by Quiznos and went back to the office.
2:20 PM
I’ve been looking at the higher education Ed.D. program here at BSU. I’m pretty sure I won’t do it, but I can’t believe I’m even contemplating it.
4 PM
A student stopped by asking the same question they’ve asked me at least 3-4 other times. I’m not sure how many ways I can say “You need to talk to Professor ____”. It’s frustrating.
7:45 PM
Texting J and listening to the chorus of ducks outside on the pond. It’s like a Donald Duck laughing competition. J is coming for Thanksgiving, he’ll be here Sunday night. I miss him and am looking forward to it. It’s his first Thanksgiving and he’s really looking forward to the food. I’m curious to see what he thinks of it. He’ll also be meeting my extended family for the first time so it will likely be a bit overwhelming to him. He is like home to me, so I can’t wait to see him.