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Diarist A19 Day07

Happy Diary Day #2

Had a rough night sleeping. Up about every 1-2 hours. Way too much on my mind. Spent the night in Leesburg, IN with my daughters in-laws-to-be. Wonderful people. Drove to Ft. Wayne on Saturday to see my daughter’s wedding dress, as it just arrived. Our daughter lives in Florida so the mom’s get to do all of the “leg work for the wedding”. Needless to say, we moms are having a blast. So, woke up at 4:00 am and looked outside, everything quiet. Woke at 7:15 am to the smell of coffee, looked out the bedroom window to see at least 3 inches of snow on the ground. It was absolutely beautiful. Snow just makes me happy. A blanket of white everywhere. The kind of snow that just clings to the trees.
The smell of coffee got me to get up and go downstairs. Friends were already up, drinking coffee and watching Good Morning America. We all were shocked about the snow. Took cell phone photos of the snow and sent them our kids in Florida. They sent pictures back from their patio of the sunshine and palm trees. We all had a good laugh. Over breakfast we chatted about our excitement about the upcoming wedding of our children in June. We all feel truly blessed and consider everyone “family” already.
Left around 11:15 am. The sky is gray, the snow is the perfect packing snow for snowballs, making a snowman or cross country skiing, which I love to do. The drive home is a little over 2 hours and as I am driving my anticipation of playing in the snow are dwindling before my eyes as the snow amounts get less and less and the temperature keeps rising. Tear! No snowman. Definitely no cross country skiing. No snow at all! Arrived home at 1:30 pm. Greeted by our menagerie of animals including 2 dogs and 2 cats. Oh yes, and my husband.
Shared with my husband my fun evening and he shared that he had friends over for a movie, drinks and popcorn. It’s great to have a spouse/partner that you enjoy activities with together, but can also participate in activities without each other, comfortably, and be able to share the events with them. I have to admit because I did not sleep well, was up early and made a 2 hour trip home, I was tired. I laid down on the sofa in front of the television, cat curled up on top of me and we both fell asleep for two hours. It was muchly needed.
AS I mentioned earlier, I have had a lot on my mind. Our daughter’s upcoming wedding, which will be in our backyard. Just praying for nice weather. Also, I am being recruited by two different companies. Like most people, change is scary. I have made a pro and con list for each job offer as well as a pro and con list for staying and leaving my present job. Right now I wish I just had a crystal ball to help me make my decision, but I’m a realist and know I need to do this all on my own.
We made a pizza for dinner tonight. Decided to not watch the Super bowl. We are not Patriot fans, or better yet, not Tom Brady fans. My husband worked on taxes and I watched the Puppy Bowl with my animals. Also watched an episode of World’s Worst Cooks. If you have never watched this show on the Food Chanel, you need too. I laughed so hard at times that I actually cried. Managed to get our taxes done and will get them in the mail within the next day or two. We did cheer when we heard the Eagles won the super bowl. Their first time winning a super bowl. And bragging rights for taking down the Patriots.
Got my lunch ready for work tomorrow. Got ready for bed. Dogs let out for “night nights.” Lights out at 11:15 pm. Hoping for a better night’s sleep tonight.