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Diarist A24 Day08

April 27,2018
Dear dairy: What type of day did I have? It was interesting.
I got up as usual 10:30 AM and let the dog out, started breakfast (canned mandrain oranges with yogurt, hot tea, and English muffins). Of course! the cat need to go out front, so D. (the dog) and I went out. D. checks the front yard for any strange animals that have crossed the yard since yesterday while I read the newspaper headlines.
We returned to the living room to read the paper and eat. The cat needs his food outside since it is such a nice morning. He loves to lay on the chairs on the porch and soak up the sun.
B. is up and moving. My sister calls from Syracuse NY, Oh! Dear, it is getting time for us to be picked up by our friend K. B. needs to go to the hospital for some lab test and an x-ray. My sister has lots to say about the president, etc. She helps me keep up on the current events. Here is the ride and I need to get going! I need to get the dog in her cage. Where is she? Hiding because she does not want to go in there but wants to go with us!
We deliver B. to the hospital find a parking place and wait and wait and wait. What has happened to her? K. needs to go pick up her granddaughter. I stay and wait on B. and we walk down to V.’s to have lunch.
V. is his usual funny self. That is the reason we go there. He asks B. is she wants the mini gyro. No! she has not made up her mind yet. He brings us our dinks and ask her what she wants. She orders mini gyro. He tells her she can not have it now. I love the way to talks to the customers and jokes with them.
K. meets us a V.’s and gets some lunch. We are off to Payless to get some soda. B. needs to go back to the hospital. Apparently! she passed out during the blood test and needs to finish some of the test. Back to waiting at the hospital.
We got home after 4:00 pm. Settled down after greeting the dog and letting her know we were home.
We finished watch Judge Judy for laughs. Why would anyone want to go on the show!
We are in for the evening! I can not believe how sunny it is, but the wind is so cold. Another cold front is coming in. Tried to sit on the porch but the wind is bad. D. is disappointed to come in. Checking the lawn out is great fun. I can not believe how the fast the Hostas are coming up. Checking on the bulbs that we transplanted on Thursday. Tulips were growing in the yard and a hyacinth was growing behind a tree in the back yard. They were planted so deep the could not grow very well. Hopefully they will come up next year.
Off to bed after Dateline, With out a Trace, and the weather on the news. Need to get D. settled down. She is up set because the cat in back in the house for the night. Read a couple of chapter in my book by Louise Penny, played a couple of games on my Amazon Fire off to sleep.