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Diarist B35 Day 20

Friday, 16 September 2022 

I got up a smidge early – slept better the night before despite odd and slightly disturbing dreams. there were lots of things that needed doing today both at work and at home because i was preparing for an out-of-town trip with my wife over a long weekend. I let the dog out and let our one cat drink from the drippy sink faucet. It’s his favorite way to hydrate. 


A light breakfast and then off to work. The sunlight in the early morning is noticeably not there when i go now compared to a few weeks ago. Autumn is on its way and I am happy about that I was leaving curtains and blinds open when I left for work but now, the light levels have crossed a threshold with me and I am not opening the windows to the light because there is not enough to warrant doing so and it means people could easily see in. That task now falls to my wife and/or son who rouse later than I. 


Work as busy and full as i prepared to be away for a couple of days. There were some rich and pleasant surprises during the day. i do not write in detail about my work because there is already enough in these entries to identify me if you know me at all. i want to preserve some confidentiality for myself, co-workers, and clientele. 


I spent my lunchtime with a friend who lives in town but works out of state and only comes home every couple of weeks. Over coffee, the discussion was deep and varied as all of our conversations are. 


Following work, i had to make dinner decisions with my son. It was “eat out” night but my wife was not home yet and I had no idea of when she would be (she had to tie up loose ends at her work, too). So, I chose something I knew she liked and hadn’t had in a while – cajun. My son and I opted for Mexican but both restaurants were within a block of each other. I never mind going multiple places when we eat out because, ultimately, it takes about as much time as I would have spent cooking but, most of the time, it took less. when he and I went to get the food, there was a random young dude rapping on the sidewalks to anyone and no one, freestyling on his own time, we think, to music piping through his earbuds. 


The food was good but work anxieties from my wife took over a bit when she got home. but we finally got on track for locking in the plans for a 4-day celebratory weekend out of state. we did laundry, bought dog food so my son could feed the dog, I got some medical supplies for a wound I’m nursing, programmed the coffee maker for a full pot to be waiting for us in the early morning, I changed the kitty litter and watered my plants a day early so my son would not have to, then we packed and booked hotels. 


We were planning to leave fairly early in the morning so we slouched towards slumber, playing a game on my phone here, drinking a beer there, watching the newest episode of a popular show on one of the streaming services, etc. all in an attempt to wind down. The day had been about as full as it could be.