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Diarist G58 Day 17

Diary Day – October 22, 2021 

10 p.m. – Thursday (10.21.21) – Went to bed 

A.M.    10.22.21 

5:30 Wake up, bathroom, brush teeth, take morning pills. Though we are retired, I still wake up early. 

5:40 Go to Home Office, where I kneel for Morning Prayer 

5:45 Balance our Bank Account and check Emails, check Muncie Public Library Kindle eBooks availability 

6:15  I am on the Committee for my High School Class Reunion next year, and I am in charge of redesigning the Reservation Form, with the help of my daughter.  I used this time to work on it this morning. 

 6:45 I maintain a combined schedule of upcoming Appointments for my wife and I.  I updated it this morning. 

6:55 Received a text from a dear local family here in Muncie, that the husband’s sister in California had died of COVID this morning.  We talked with them, and prayed for the family, and are planning to take him to the Indy airport, and pick him up on his return in a couple of weeks. 

7:10 I sent an updated schedule list of our Appointments to our daughters, who both live in Muncie.  My wife and I moved back to Muncie 4 years ago, after having been away for 43 years.  Our daughters who then lived, one in Denver, CO. and one in Chattanooga, TN., both soon moved back to Muncie to be closer to, and watch over us. 

7:15 Our dog got up, so I took her downstairs and outside to potty. 

7:20 I did my morning exercises and stretches. 

7:55 Our dog came to me, so I took her downstairs and, outside to potty again. 

8:05 I fixed my breakfast, which consisted of a veggie stew, which my wife made from scratch, then I got the newspaper. 

8:20 I greet my wife good morning and we discuss plans for the day.  

8:40 We have devotions. 

9:00 My wife needs some items from the grocery to finish the veggie stew that she is making for the church potluck, since the one yesterday turned out so good, I change my clothes, wash the morning dishes, and then before I leave, I remove all walnuts from the front sidewalk, street, and our driveway, that have all fallen from our tree. 

9:15 I load items we won’t use again from around our home into our car to take for donation to Goodwill. 

10:00 I stop to get fuel for the car. 

10:10 I then go to Wal Mart for groceries. 

10:45 I then stop at PayLess to return a non-food item purchased yesterday that did not work out. 

11:00 I return home, then update our schedule to reflect the two trips to the Indy airport for our friend’s trip to California, and back, for his sister’s funeral. 

11:20 I do yard work of picking up walnuts from our sidewalk, driveway, and the street in front of our house. 

11:55 Our daughter called regarding a book she is currently editing, when her neighborhood internet went down. She inquired about coming over to use my computer, but her internet came back up while we were on the phone. She has edited several hundred books, and she likes to stay on task, of course. 


P.M. 10.22.21 

12:25 We started final preparation for a Bible Study at 5 with two boys in our neighborhood, whose grandmother is of the same denomination as us, but lives in Ft. Wayne. 

1:30 I prepare and eat lunch, which consisted of more delicious veggie stew. 

1:50 I pick up walnuts from our front yard.  I counted a total of 1,684… and I see hundreds still on the tree. 

4:00 I shower and shave after my yard work. 

4:35 I fold laundry and place it in the appropriate drawers and/or closets. 

4:50 We drive to the home of the Bible Study. 

5:00 Begin Bible Study.  It goes well.  (The boys are 13 and 11.) 

6:00 Arrive home, and finish the last helping of our veggie stew.  My wife made a larger baking dish of it for the church potluck tomorrow, and I know it will be a hit. 

6:20 I do exercises consisting of riding a stationary bike, rowing on a rowing machine, and lifting some hand weights. Then I practiced on my mandolin.  The machine is special because I was an avid rower (sculler) and served as President of the Lookout Rowing Club during the 1996 Olympics, which is where the Women’s Olympic Team was located to get acclimated to the area. I have rowed on my rowing machine the equivalent of rowing more than the perimeter of the continental United States, or almost 12,000 miles. And the mandolin was a gift last Christmas from our two children, and four grandchildren, all of whom are adults. 

7:30 I then read inspirational items. 

9:30 I go to bed, have prayer, and fall asleep very quickly. 


I have attached a Daily Routine To-Do List, which I created with item descriptions.  I make a mark for the appropriate day between the dots each time I perform the item. 


I have also attached a copy of our Appointments & Meetings list, which I maintain.  (The times and/or dates have been modified.)