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Diarist J85 Day 17

I got up this morning about 8:00, turned off my CPAP and turned on the bedroom TV. I was instantly shocked by the news that Alec Baldwin has shot two people on a film location. I listened to the details and was disgusted it even happened. All the news details failed to tell who was fully responsibility for shooting. Baldwin is solely guilty and should have checked the gun himself before pointing it and shooting directly at people. Why did he even point and shoot at two people that weren’t even in the film, they weren’t even filming. Anyway that set the tone for my day. 

I took my pills and vitamins while sitting at my computer reading the rest of today’s news.  At 9:30 my wife and I left for work. My mind started to settle down at work. I work with the most amazing people at Heidi J Hale Designs & Detail. I am a bench jeweler for basic silver jewelry. 

It’s 10:00, started to make some of my turtle necklaces to keep up with the orders. 1:00 and just finished a ham and cheese sandwich. Lunch is whenever you feel like it. It’s very relaxing to sink into busy creativity which I do every day. It 2:00 and my hands are cramping and hurt so I’ll get up and go across to street to Olive & Slate to visit with my wife for a few minutes. 2:30 and back at work. I’m still mad about the useless death and injury on the news this morning. 4:10 thinking about where we want to eat tonight. We eat out at least 4 to 5 nights a week. With only the two of us it’s just easier.  

4:15 and the owners of HJH declared it Beer Friday. We’ll close at 4:30 and all head over to The Fickle Peach. OK, two beers later and we all had a good time, now 5:50 and my wife and I are at Twin Arches for dinner. Had wings and cauliflower wings. At dinner we talked about watching the new Dune movie tonight, I didn’t care for the first Dune movie but thought we would try the new one. The big question is, will my wife let me take some Carrot Cake home. It’s the best I’ve ever had. 7:10 YES! 

Arrived home at 7:30 relaxed on the couch to watch Dune. 45 minutes 

into the show I realized that’s 45 minutes of my live I’ll never get back. 

8:30 decided to watch more of Below Deck which was great. At 11:10 I decided to called it the end of the day. 
