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Diarist J89 Directive 5

How do I define work. A chance to wax philosophical. When I was young work was, Cut the grass, Take out the Trash, Clean your room. It was something bad to be endured. As an adult, while I still don’t like those chores I have a different view. In the Christian tradition work is a blessing. Before the fall in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had “work” to do. So work is not a result of sin and the fall, but something that is good and adds value to life. In fact, as I get closer to retirement I wonder what would life be if I didn’t have a job. How would I invest my days, what would be the reason to get out of bed? So, I now value work. 

There is a saying, love what you do and you will never work a day in your life. I am blessed to have a job of which many parts play into my strengths so not a lot of the job is comprised of things I have to do. Talking to clients, interacting with people, getting to know them and how to better serve them energizes me. The paperwork and details do not. But it is part of the job and with some focus and concentration it gets done. 

So, work defined? I guess doing necessary things which I don’t like. Taking out the Trash, Cleaning my room, and Cutting the grass are still work. Most of the day at my paid job doesn’t feel like work, but doing things I like. I am blessed to have such a job to make a living. 

An ordinary work day? Rise at 5:30, stretch, quiet time, breakfast and to the office. Try to be here by 7:30. Read the newspaper to try and keep up on what’s happening in Muncie. Anything I get done before 8:00 is bonus time. I try to read and respond to emails, review my accounts. If activity happened in the accounts I like to text younger clients. Older clients I take note of and call. Calls to clients after 9:00, when most are up. 

Then the day unrolls. A blessing of this job is that it deals with people and finances. At any given time a client can call, text, or email and need something. Often with a short turnaround time which will rearrange whatever else I may have planned on for the day. 

How do I feel about work? I like it a lot. I like the substance of my job. I like the people and company for whom I work. This is the best paid position I have had, and I plan to be here until I do retire. 


Online Life 

I originally viewed online life as my good off time. With Google I now use it at work to find answers to issues related to my clients. From 8-5 then role online plays to help me serve my clients. After work it is my goofing off. I enjoy finding subjects I like on YouTube to entertain or educate. 

Many people do socialize online. I do not. I think people give themselves permission to behave badly online frequently. I see more possibility of bad outcomes than positive so things like Facebook and twitter I stay away from. I text and have Zoom type calls with friends, which would be, in my view, socializing online. But it is with pre-existing friends. I do not look at On line as ways to expand my social life. 

I feel a bit guilty about how much time I spend online. I should read more!