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The Voyant Tools below are used to visualize the entire corpus of the EDLM diaries at once. Each tool visualizes a different aspect of the corpus, and can be customized to show new details, words, or topics. Each tool has a few lines of text beneath it to explain how it works, what it shows, and how to customize it  


The “Termsberry” tool shows which terms appear the most frequently in the corpus. Hovering the mouse over specific terms will show which terms appear frequently near the hovered term, with the darkened words appearing more often. Adjust the “scaling” bar for a more accurate visualization of how proportionally each word appears

The Collocates tool shows how frequently words appear nearby other words. The terms chosen are derived from the most popular tags from the diary corpus. Adjust the “scale” to increase or decrease the proximity of the words. New terms can be entered in the bottom left of the tool

The Trends tool visualizes how often terms are used throughout the corpus. An important note is that the early diary dates tended to have higher participation than the latter dates, so it is not a perfect representation of proportional word use. To change the terms in the tool, simply type the desired word into the bottom left of the tool.
