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Diary Tag: alcohol

Diarist A14 Day06

6:30 am – I wake up, without an alarm. My body is on a routine. It seems, that circadian rhythm is a real thing. I…

Diarist A06 Day06

3 am: Randomly awaken in the middle of the night and watch national news until I get sleepy again. 8am: Woke up much later than…

Diarist A02 Day06

Diary: 11-14-17 I awoke at 4:30 am—not the plan. Drifted off for a bit but got up at 5:15. I wasn’t thinking about much beyond…

Diarist A01 Day06

Day Diary Nov 14 2017 5:44-7: Alarm goes off at 5:30; I hit the snooze twice. At 5:44 I get up just as Bruce Hornsby’s…

Diarist A05 Day03

Hello Diary, 7:50 am. I slept in today. I’m tired this morning and, I am a little snuffy. I really don’t get sick often and,…

Diarist Z40 Day02

Woke up this morning with a stiff neck from laying on it wrong throughout the night. Up off and on throughout the night watching my…

Diarist A26 Day02

Everyday Life in Middletown Day Diary Wednesday February 17 Normal morning routine- up at 7am, get coffee brewing, take medicine, let the dogs outside, shave,…

Diarist Z40 Day01

Friday Feb 12th, 2016 Didn’t get much sleep last night but enough I suppose. Stayed up late watching the Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton debate…

Diarist A06 Day01

5:35am– >>alarm goes off thinking: “oh, no, I have to get up. Ihategettingupsofuckingearly. then “Oh, It’s Friday. That’s better.” Still having cold symptoms. >> up…