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Diary Tag: food

Diarist A06 Day04

5:15am >> Dogs woke me up barking, but I stayed in bed. 6:15am >> got up after dogs were still barking. Fed everyone, let everyone…

Diarist A05 Day04

Hello Diary, 7:30 am, Meditation I am really fortunate to have family and friends. I feel loved. I am really tired today. I had leg…

Diarist Z43 Day03

Trake Tuesday 2/23 Diary 8:00 alarm is set but I bump it back to 9. I’ve got some stuff to do this morning but I…

Diarist Z39 Day03

It’s six a.m. on Tuesday the 23rd of February and I just woke up. I feel awful today, I’m pretty sure I’m getting sick. I…

Diarist B37 Day03

Day Diary Tuesday, February 23, 2016 4:00 – woke up. Worrying about the decision facing the family. Tossed and turned working through it. 5:30 –…

Diarist A26 Day03

Everyday Life in Middletown Day Diary- Tuesday February 23 Normal morning routine- up at 7am, get coffee brewing, take medicine, let the dogs outside, WBST…

Diarist A24 Day03

8:15 am wake up. D. still asleep. I usually do not get up this early but B. has a doctors appointment at 10:00am. 8:30 am.…

Diarist A06 Day03

Just spent one hour on this diary and lost it all when I copied and saved it. An earlier “copy and paste” printed and I…