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Diary Tag: food

Diarist Z40 Day02

Woke up this morning with a stiff neck from laying on it wrong throughout the night. Up off and on throughout the night watching my…

Diarist Z39 Day02

Today is February 17th 2016. I woke up to my cat this morning just after six. He is capable of being very loud. He also…

Diarist Z38 Day02

Day Diary 2/17/16 Alarm goes off at 6:25 am…. I get to hit snooze this morning because my hubby told me last night he’d take…

Diarist B37 Day02

Daily diary – Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – 5:18 – woke up. Should I go to the Y? Too tired. 5:34 – head downstairs, bathroom…

Diarist A24 Day02

9:00am wake up and cuddle with D. (the dog). It is so quiet and relaxing. Why don’t I just stay in bed, but D. needs…

Diarist A06 Day02

5:35 am– >> alarm went off; up to let dogs out and get feeding routine started. Feed cats first, then dogs, then dogs back out.…

Diarist Z43 Day01

Daily Diary 10:00 • Wake up, check emails • Think about tasks to complete for the day 10:10 • Shower, get ready • Think about…

Diarist Z40 Day01

Friday Feb 12th, 2016 Didn’t get much sleep last night but enough I suppose. Stayed up late watching the Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton debate…

Diarist Z39 Day01

My alarm wakes me up at 6:11 a.m. and I get up from the couch still very tired. I was sleeping on the couch because…

Diarist Z38 Day01

Day Diary 2/12/16 6:45 Wake up, excited to sleep in few extra min. Turn t.v. on to Chanel 18 news. Go to restroom, turn on…