Diary Day May 12, 2023 My alarm went off at 4:00 a.m. I got out of bed, got dressed, and went to take B.C. to…
ELDM diary 1.1.2023 December decided to be cruel–a sudden death of a beloved Aunt, a nasty virus that held our household hostage for two weeks…
January 3, 2021 New Year’s greetings on a dreary first Sunday of the year. Despite the hanging gloom, I took my first real walk of…
I awoke around 6:30am and checked my phone for a couple of different reasons. Firstly, my 94 year-old mom who lives with us now, may…
EDLM Feb. 20, 2020 Random thoughts on this day. Too much to take in, too much going on, too much emotional energy to know…
Journal Entry for Everyday Life in MIddletown May 15, 2019 The day started early for me because of insomnia. About 2:00am, I listened to…
Not having to wake up to an alarm is a glorious thing for my “night owl” self. Eyes peacefully open at 9:15 with my heart…
May 15th 2019 This is where I’m supposed to write a journal entry about what I did on May fifteenth but instead I’m going…
Journal Entry for Wed., May 15, 2019 6:30 am Awoke and began planning my day as I lay in bed; normal routine. Today,…
May 15, 2019 diary 6:30 Up and at ‘em! My therapist has been riding me about having a more consistent morning routine, including getting…