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Diary Tag: material culture

Diarist A08 Day06

8 AM: Finally got up for the day. (Actually, the dog made sure to awaken me @ 5:30 AM, but retirement is WONDERFUL, so I…

Diarist A34 Day05

Diary entry: March 06, 2016 This has been an actual weird week for me. We found out that after our parent company has said we…

Diarist A05 Day05

Dear Diary, March 4,2016 7:30 am. K. called yesterday and asked me to get a Tetanus/Pertussis Booster. I did not immunize my children. I could…

Diarist Z38 Day03

Up and moving 6:25 am. Hubby text me “Rollin” around 6:50. It’s 6:55, no movement from my daughter. I open her door and call her…

Diarist A26 Day03

Everyday Life in Middletown Day Diary- Tuesday February 23 Normal morning routine- up at 7am, get coffee brewing, take medicine, let the dogs outside, WBST…

Diarist A06 Day03

Just spent one hour on this diary and lost it all when I copied and saved it. An earlier “copy and paste” printed and I…

Diarist A06 Day02

5:35 am– >> alarm went off; up to let dogs out and get feeding routine started. Feed cats first, then dogs, then dogs back out.…