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Diarist A05 Day05

Dear Diary, March 4,2016
7:30 am. K. called yesterday and asked me to get a Tetanus/Pertussis Booster. I did not immunize my children. I could tell that she was worried about telling me that she thought it was in A.’s best interest if I was going to take care of her for awhile. I will do it all your way, “I said”. She texted some really cute photos today of A. in an outfit that my Mother had had made for her. My Mother died 28 yrs ago.
Last night the guitar player in “Tuesday Nite String Band” asked us out to his house to record. That was a first. He asked me for a date but, I’m dating someone else.?I’m still not feeling well after a week. I’m up anyway. Meditation is rough. I’d rather be sleeping. I celebrate the month of March. My two grandsons, my daughter and three best friends are born this month. I’m planning a party for the boys today. I’ve already done the shopping but A. who is thirteen has called and texted several times. He’s going to want more games for his Nintendo.
9:30 am. Starbucks Vanilla Soy Latte.?10:00 am. I’m picking up A. out in Albany. 11:00 am. We are at Game Stop.?Noon My house to get L.s gifts.?12:30 pm. Subway
1:00 pm. A., L., J. and A. and I are having a Birthday party.?2:00 pm. We are building a tricycle. It requires all of us. 3:00 pm. I take the boys to the park and down the Greenway aa bit.
4:30 pm. K. comes home from work. They are painting a room for A.. So after cake I leave with a car load of old clothes for the Mission.?6:00 pm. My ex husdand wants to come over on Saturday night to fix something for me. He really wants to know where I am going to live.
I talk to him more honestly than I have in the three years since our breakup. I cry of course. I made some food for him to take with him.?7:45 I am going to eat Thai and here some music at a bar with someone who loves me.
I still feel sick and, I have not packed. I hope I feel better tomorrow.?I hope you all had fun in The Big Apple!?Peace Out!