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Diarist A12 Day10

Saturday 12/15/2018 Saturday, December 15, 2018 8:53 AM I was awoken by my husband around 6 a.m.  since I was a awake, it made sense…

Diarist A05 Day10

Diary Day 2018 7:30am. I wake up and make coffee. My husband J. has already left for the hospital where he works as a Vascular…

Diarist A03 Day10

Woke up a little earlier than usual today, given I’m on holiday break. Sleep was uneven and full of gaps, and by 9am I was…

Diarist A02 Day10

December 15, 2018 Diary   Woof.  I’m up at 6:50, awakened by the dog.  A little earlier than I’d like on a Saturday, but our…

Diarist A01 Day10

[Note: the locations in this diary are in Indianapolis, where I live. I work in Muncie.]   The alarm goes off at 7:15. Classical music.…

Diarist D51 Day09

Monday, September 17, 2018   4:30AM: I wake up to my cat kneading his paws against me. He thinks he’s starving, of course, but he…

Diarist D50 Day09

September 17, 2018   0612: I wake suddenly in my recliner. I must have fallen asleep last night reading in my office, as I sometimes…

Diarist C46 Day09

Diary 9/17/18   Slept restlessly and bolted up when the city came to empty the dumpsters at 5:45 am. They are outside our window, and…

Diarist B37 Day09

Day Diary – September 17, 2018 The children in my house need to make better choices. Just because you didn’t cause a problem doesn’t mean…

Diarist A27 Day09

Journal Entry from September 17, 2018   I’m not sure why, but as a morning person, I seem to be more productive in the evening. …