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Diary Tag: news

Diarist A34 Day03

2-23-2016 When I think of what to jot down for my thoughts I just think of my past weekend. I got woke up Saturday morning…

Diarist A24 Day03

8:15 am wake up. D. still asleep. I usually do not get up this early but B. has a doctors appointment at 10:00am. 8:30 am.…

Diarist A06 Day03

Just spent one hour on this diary and lost it all when I copied and saved it. An earlier “copy and paste” printed and I…

Diarist B37 Day02

Daily diary – Wednesday, February 17, 2016 – 5:18 – woke up. Should I go to the Y? Too tired. 5:34 – head downstairs, bathroom…

Diarist A26 Day02

Everyday Life in Middletown Day Diary Wednesday February 17 Normal morning routine- up at 7am, get coffee brewing, take medicine, let the dogs outside, shave,…

Diarist A24 Day02

9:00am wake up and cuddle with D. (the dog). It is so quiet and relaxing. Why don’t I just stay in bed, but D. needs…

Diarist A06 Day02

5:35 am– >> alarm went off; up to let dogs out and get feeding routine started. Feed cats first, then dogs, then dogs back out.…

Diarist Z40 Day01

Friday Feb 12th, 2016 Didn’t get much sleep last night but enough I suppose. Stayed up late watching the Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton debate…

Diarist Z38 Day01

Day Diary 2/12/16 6:45 Wake up, excited to sleep in few extra min. Turn t.v. on to Chanel 18 news. Go to restroom, turn on…

Diarist B37 Day01

Daily diary February 12, 2016. • Just before 6:00, awake. Grab Jawbone fitness tracker. • This is a work day. 4 classes to teach. •…