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Diarist A24 Day02

9:00am wake up and cuddle with D. (the dog). It is so quiet and relaxing. Why don’t I just stay in bed, but D. needs to go out.
9:25am. Getting ready to walk D., start the water for tea, will she need her sweater? No so put her harness on. It is quiet and D. is doing her D. things. Sniffing the air, checking for squirrels, and generally being a dog. I like to watch her and see what she does. Still some snow on the ground.
9:45am Get breakfast-toast, yogart, and tea. D. like the end of the toast.
10:00am Eating breakfast and reading the newspaper. Nothing much in the paper. I see Sharon Randall is back. Lover her writings. Funnies, and crosswork puzzles. (My mental stimulas.) Feed D. the end of the toast. Well Rachel Ray is cooking again.
10:50 Finish breakfast and start cleaning up. Time to get dressed and go for a check up at the Docs and do some shopping.
12:00pm Had to take my pennies-I have been saving-Wow $14.00! Who says pennies are not valuable.
12:13pm Visit with Doc. Yearly exam is done.
12:45pm Dollar general to get trash bags. Need for things to go to Mission.
1:00pm Wamart to get some toates for storage. Hard to find–I just love Walmart–HA! HA!
1:55pm home again Picked up B.’s Pepsi on way home. Time for lunch. apples, peanut butter and cheese. D. is waiting for her share. Watching the end of news etc. Resting.
2:30pm flatten boxes to take to trash room. One job that needs to be done. UGH
2:35pm Better feed the birds-Zebra finchs-I have about 10 or more. They keep producing. B. finds two babies in the nest.
2:55pm Mother who I use to work with calls. She calls to ask questions about Special Ed. She has cancelled her mediation due to the fact that the school insist they need to bring their attorney.She is checking with the feds etc. to see if they can;
3:55pm back to cleaning the bedroom. Findly got off the phone with the mother. Still trying to work on filing my knitting patterns. Did not realize I had so many. Found a couple of old knitting books, one was printed in 1915 and one in 1916. The rest is 1939 and 1940. I wish i could find dates on the others. Put the old books in plastic sheets and a notebook to save them.
3:55pm Resting. Wears me out sitting on the bedroom floor, my legs can not take it sometimes.
4:30pm Starting supper. Hamburgers, boxed potatoes, and that is about all. G. says he is not hungery so asked T. if she want to share supper with us. Tired!
4:50pm Supper!
5:30pm Put dishes in dishwasher and clean the table.
5:55pm Resting and watching the news. Some stupid Uncle shots neice and her son in Zionsville. It has been all over the news since I get so tired of people and their guns. Yes, it all over money–figures. I was tring to figure out why earlier. Read to many mysteries.
6:05pm A. (friend who is blind in Montpelier) Mother is doing better. Still problems with sister over the power of attorney. Let him vent for a while. They had a family meeting with nursing home. Mother is doing better considering.
7:00pm A. hangs up and T. comes to watch Family Fued. Steve Harvey is pretty funny.
8:00pm Movie is KIKI–a Japanese animation DVD. We do watch a variety of things. Cute movie. It takes place in Europe. I think it is interesting how Japan is doing these films.
9:50pm Finish the movie and walking the dog. She wants to sniff the air and take her time.
10:00pm Watch the news — still news about shooting.
10:30pm To bed and read for a while. An new Charles Todd mysteries. The third in his series.