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Diarist A15 Day 15

September 24, 2020 Today was a happy, happy day for me. I left home about 8:30 AM and drove to Indianapolis to spend the day…

Diarist A07 Day 15

Thursday, September 24, 2020   Sometime before my alarm: B wakes up and starts scratching, like is his MO these days. Of course, that wakes…

Diarist A02 Day 15

A02: September 24, 2020   Awoke just before the 7 AM alarm.  Slept in a different bed because B. was getting up super early to…

Diarist A01 Day 15

September 24, 2020   5:30—alarm goes off and I hit the snooze twice. Had been dreaming, vaguely disturbing, but can’t remember what. I had woken…

Diarist A07 Day14

Tuesday May 12, 2020   730: Alarm. Ugh. I was in the middle of a dream and didn’t want to wake up. It wasn’t a…

Diarist G61 Day14

Diary Day May 12, 2020   I wake up at 7:50 to glorious rays of sunshine.  With the stay-at-home orders, the weather affects my mood…

Diarist H66 Day14

H66 diary   My husband left as usual for his job at the hospital this morning. He’s back in the Operating Room (OR) after a…

Diarist A05 Day14

EDLM Diary Day May, 12, 2020    6:30am. I woke up very stiff and tired following a heavy day of cleaning my eighty-four year old…

Diarist A23 Day14

9:40-10:15 – Wake up and check the status on 4 online orders to be delivered. Get up by 10, and go into the kitchen to…