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Diarist H66 Day14

H66 diary


My husband left as usual for his job at the hospital this morning. He’s back in the Operating Room (OR) after a two-month stint in the Emergency Room (ER) on “respiratory alley” where suspected Covid patients go. He may be safer now, but we are still on self quarantine as a family until two weeks from his last ER shift.


Our three dogs are so spoiled they are never alone. I’m not sure how they’ll adjust when we are able to go out more.


I’m continuing work on my first book-editing project. The Covid downtime has given me the gift of time to do a project I’ve been anxious to do for nearly 15 years.


I worked all day on my book editing project. I did a great deal of research and write the outline to the second half of the book.


For all the horrors caused by Covid, I’m grateful to have the time to do this project. It was number one on my bucket list. Well probably a book my dad started but I can’t face that yet. This will be a practice run. 


This book is about a very good friend and his amazing life. He grew up in poverty and became a drug dealer. After a near death experience, he changed his life and now teaches at-risk youth. Preventing drug abuse and violence is a cause we share. Will be my first edited book. Hope I can look at Dad’s in the fall.


I watched some news today and worry about the states opening up so soon including ours. My husband got a haircut. It’s weird to think of that as a life threatening activity but I suppose it is.


My daughter finished classes online. All A and B grades hallelujah!


Spent lots of time with all three dogs today. Trying to train our three-month old puppy. That is a full time job in itself. 


More time for more writing tomorrow.