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Diarist A02 Day13

February 20, 2020 Diary   Awoke around 6:45, thought about what to do first, then drifted off and woke again at 7:15.  Still felt a…

Diarist A01 Day13

Day Diary Feb. 20, 2020   At 4:30 I wake, go to the bathroom, and lay back in bed. My sleep has been iffy lately—I’ve…

Diarist A15 Day13

Muncie Journal  February 22, 2020  This record may or may not be appropriate for a journal entry because it didn’t exemplify life in Muncie as…

Diarist D51 Day 13

February 20, 2020 It’s 5:30 am and my day has begun the way so many do: by waking up and going through a laundry list…