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Diarist A06 Day02

5:35 am– >> alarm went off; up to let dogs out and get feeding routine started. Feed cats first, then dogs, then dogs back out.…

Diarist B37 Day01

Daily diary February 12, 2016. • Just before 6:00, awake. Grab Jawbone fitness tracker. • This is a work day. 4 classes to teach. •…

Diarist A34 Day01

Feb 10, 2016 Since this is the first journal entry I may struggle with the requirements on the specifics but I know my daily routine…

Diarist A06 Day01

5:35am– >>alarm goes off thinking: “oh, no, I have to get up. Ihategettingupsofuckingearly. then “Oh, It’s Friday. That’s better.” Still having cold symptoms. >> up…