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Diarist A34 Day01

Feb 10, 2016
Since this is the first journal entry I may struggle with the requirements on the specifics but I know my daily routine is pretty consistent outside of my thoughts. Todays thoughts were on the status of our country.
When a man fighting for liberty drops out of the presidential race basically two days after one of his campaign offices was broken into, makes you have to wonder how corrupt the Progressive leadership that has infiltrated control over both the Republican + Democratic parties.
I look at the other side and see a woman who has committed multiple treasonous actions against our nation and no matter how evil her actions, she is allowed to continue in politics. The other Dem option is a self professed socialist. When he promises to take more away from those who work simply to give it to those who refuse to work…it shows the slide of morality and character in our society.

Feb 11, 2016
Todays thoughts were with the last four people who were holed up the Oregon Federal building. The FBI had them surrounded and cut all media outlets so I assumed there would be bloodshed since they already killed Lavoy. They used the same steps of prep as they used against Chris Dohmen, Waco, bill Cooper, tec so I’m grateful those four Americans were not taken in the same way.
I found out that we won’t get a quarterly bonus for the third straight quarter, plus we were told there is no raise coming this year. Most guys at work at upset. I look at the blessing that I have that job and am able to provide for my family. God will provide the opportunity for me to provide for my family.
Also at work I found out they let a female operator go. I normally would feel bad, however this person on five separate days ran parts for a full 8 hour shift and failed to check a single part. She always blamed the person before her instead of taking ownership of her decisions and growing from it. So, about every 2 weeks she ran bad parts all day (which means she never checked her parts) and they finally had enough.
Being born does not guarantee you a right to a job, or at least to any job you close your eyes and dream you can do. It takes hard work.
I wanted to work for my current employer so I made a plan. I was stocking groceries for Marsh Supermarkets and wanted to become a CNC operater/machinist. I took a job at Indiana Bridge running various machines for four years just to get my skill level to a point I could give up all my benefits there to become a temporary worker with no guarantee of a full time job. The week before I started at Maxon I had my mother borrow a “tool shop class textbook.” I used the 550+ page book in that week just so I had an understanding of what I was supposed to do. Once I started I would do google searches or look on YouTube for videos just so I would help my learning curve.
There is more I could get into at a later date, but that type of focus and dedication is not being taught in our society today.
I finished writing the last paragraph on break at work, then walk back to my machine only to find out that a different temporary worker was drawing pictures on paper instead of watching the parts and messed up a $10k part. Last night the same worker ran 10 parts. 5 were scrap and 5 were boarderline acceptable. So less than 24 hours later and the same person is not aware of what they are doing. That can make the day very frustrating.

Feb 12, 2016
I’ll start this entry by giving what my actual M-F day consists of. I wake up around noon. Usually its due to my wife calling on her lunch break. At that point I normally get out of bed, go to the restroom, then go to the door and let our dog run outside for a few minutes (so she can go pee and also run or play). I’ll let her back inside, grab a snack and something to drink (usually just some snack crackers + water) and head back to the bedroom. Turn on the tv to watch some sports related show unless I have a recorded item on the DVR that I wanted to check out.
At this point, I will multitask. Play fetch with the dog, listen to the tv and play on my phone. There is usually only two things I will do on my phone at this point…play a game (right now its been Marvel Contest of Champions) or surf the web (facebook, The Blaze, Drudge Report, yahoo.mail, or everyone’s hidden item Porn).
At 2:40-2:50 I will get up and get dressed for work. I’ll put the dog in her cage, get my lunch from the fridge (wife trys to have ready for me), grab my daily carry items (keys, wallet, cellphone, and gun). Then I drive to work.
Work is less than 15 min from the house so me leaving around 3 gets me to work before my 3:35 start time. I will go in and talk to the 1st shift operator to get any critical information (how machine is running, any issues, etc.) Then comes a 5 min shift meeting (updates on general business information). Afterwards we head to our machining area where we check fluids, see if we need anything, etc and begin our work of production parts.
I typically have a work area which consists of a CNC Monarch Vertical Maching Centerand a 5 spindle (or 5 drill heads next to each other on one table).
Two hours into the work day I have a 15 min break. I will talk to coworkers about current events while either surfing the web on my phone or playing a game on my phone.
Two more hours of work after that we take a 30 min lunch. I will either eat the lunch I brought then try to call my wife for the last 10 min or so of that break or I will leave and run get some fast food in my vehicle and call my wife during that time.
After lunch I work 2 more hours then get a 10 min break. I repeat the process from the first break.
Then I work 2 hours and have a 15 min break (If we work 10 hours we have that last break). Again I will repeat the previous break routines, then go back to work for the remainder of the shift.
I will do paperwork and clean my area before I leave, then drive home after getting off work @ 2AM (1:55 technically but I usually stick around another few min for clean up).
Once home I will be greeted by my dog, so I chain her ouside for a few min so she can use the restroom. During that time I put up my “daily carry items” and get clothes for after a shower.
I’ll go downstairs and let the dog back inside, play with her for a few min then go take a shower. Since my family is all asleep I will go downstairs and watch tv or play a video game. That will last a couple hours, so between 4:30AM-5:00AM I will go lay down next to my wife.
I then pray to God and eventually fall asleep only to repeat this day…everyday (M-F)

Feb 13, 2016
Sunday is typically my “day of rest” where I relax around the house, but today I will be doing an interview for my Masonic Lodge (I am on the investigation team. That means I have a number of questions for him to see if I feel he is a worthy candidate.)
Also I am meeting you guys today (the ones doing the Muncie Study. I’ll get some feed back on how I am doing with providing info.
I am filled with a little sorrow because a friend of mine went to his forth straight semi-state tournament for HS wresting but didn’t finish in the top 4, so he failed to make it to the state finals.
I have been having a blessed day, being able to spend time with my immediate family as ell as my mother. My mom came in town last night. Wifey and I went to church (she worked the coffee bar). Then we went to the mall to get last minute Valentine Presents for each other. We tried to find a sit down restaurant for dinner (we settled for Chinese). Then went 20 min early to a viewing of Deadpool (movie just came out) but the next 3 showings were sold out, so we went to Target to do some small shopping and killed time until it was time to pick up E. from work. Then we headed home and hung out for awhile then went to bed.