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Diarist A30 Day10

Diary Entry 12-15-18   Today started off the way I like to start my days; with some exercise. I awoke around 5:30 AM to head…

Diarist A29 Day10

    The red LCD numerals on the clock glow 2:30 a.m. I have to pee. I tumble out of bed, pad into the bathroom.…

Diarist A28 Day10

December 15th, 2018 By way the light filters through the curtains, I know its gray gloomy day outside.  A sudden burst of wind whips around…

Diarist A23 Day10

On the 15th of December, 2018   This is one of the weekends where it is my turn to work. I work every 4th weekend,…

Diarist A18 Day10

Daily Diary December 15, 2018 Woke at 6 am and made coffee and brought in newspapers. Let B. outside at 7 am and put down…

Diarist A15 Day10

December 15, 2018 I had been busy the day before and didn’t sleep very well so on Saturday morning, I slept in until 8 something…

Diarist A12 Day10

Saturday 12/15/2018 Saturday, December 15, 2018 8:53 AM I was awoken by my husband around 6 a.m.  since I was a awake, it made sense…

Diarist A03 Day10

Woke up a little earlier than usual today, given I’m on holiday break. Sleep was uneven and full of gaps, and by 9am I was…