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Diarist C46 Day12

EDLM—October 1, 2019 I wake up around 7 am in the middle of a weird dream about my best friend S. and me as kids…

Diarist B37 Day12

Day diary – October 1, 2019 September was such an awful month in terms of my health that I’m glad October is here. It was…

Diarist A25 Day12

EDLM 10/01/19 I wake to R running his paws on the sliding glass door. It’s a running pace like he’s being chased and will be…

Diarist A07 Day12

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 Sometime between midnight and 6:04 am B. woke me up scratching like crazy; I tried to get him to stop, but…

Diarist A03 Day12

My morning starts with tossing and turning. I blink my eyes a little and focus on the clock at the foot of my bed, and…

Diarist F56 Day11

Journal Entry for Everyday Life in MIddletown May 15, 2019   The day started early for me because of insomnia. About 2:00am, I listened to…

Diarist A24 Day11

Well here it is May 15 and it is time to rise and shine.  Of course being retired that means 10:30am.  Let the dog out,…

Diarist A23 Day11

May 15:   12:00am – In bed, drifting off…tomorrow is a looong day. So sleepy…must keep my laptop with me…I think I will roll over…

Diarist A18 Day11

May 15, 2019, Wednesday Woke at 7 am and let B. outside. Turned off outdoor lights and made coffee. Looking forward to hearing from M.…

Diarist A16 Day11

5/15/19   6:00-6:10-6:20   Alarm on my phone goes off but I hit the snooze and start checking messages and thinking about the day while…