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Diarist A24 Day11

Well here it is May 15 and it is time to rise and shine.  Of course being retired that means 10:30am.  Let the dog out, go to the bathroom and let the dog in.  The cat wants to go out front and so does the dog.  She has to check to see who has been running around the front yard.  You know wild animals cross the yard overnight and she has to id them by smell.

Time to fix breakfast and take my meds. Tea, yogurt with mandarin oranges, and of course toast for the dog and I.  Reading the newspaper is an experience. The dog needs her part of the toast and wants me to hurry up. As soon as that is done she has to get on my lap to see if there is any crumbs left.  Read the newspaper and get the crossword puzzle done.  Almost got one of the completed.

What else to do?  Sweep the kitchen and get all the dog and cat hair up.  Empty the dead flowers that has been sitting around.  Must remember to water them sometimes.  The live ones will go on the porch to get some nice sun now that it has stopped raining.  I better not forget to put the yellow pansies out on the edge of the porch so they can get more sunlight.

An hour and half later tired myself out and need to rest.  Checked on the left overs in the frig.  Slowly cleaning it out but that is for another day.

Sit down to the computer and starting to work on the daily diary.  But first have to check email, than Facebook and my games.  That kills about 2 to 3 hours. Relaxed and thinking about supper.

Fix hamburgers and oven potatoes.  Good meal, need to clean up the sink of dishes, oh I can do that tomorrow.

Time for the local news and national news.  Have to see what is going on in the world.  Well there goes Walmart prices with the China discussions.

Must kill the 7 to 8 pm time period.  Nothing much on during that time.  Guess I will go to ROKU.  Yes my show is on for an hour, great!

It is 8 PM must switch to Buzzer and watch Password.  It is so much fun to watch old game shows.  I can tell the years they were filmed by the clothes and the glasses.  Now it is 8:30 pm and time to watch PBS and see Cooks Country, my daughters show.

Back to Roku and watch my show about “the commish”.  I like being able to see these older shows.

10:00 pm time to settle for bed.  Put the dog out, change into PJs, see where the cat went to on his checking the neighborhood out.

Settle into bed. Write in my diary, read one chapter in my book, enjoyed my sister giving it to me but it is slow.  It is about a woman who drinks a lot.  Puts me off drinking.

Check my email on the Amazon fire, and play my games.  I wonder where the cat is?  I took in his food.  Yes, there he is, laying on the chair on the porch. Carry his in.  Cannot let him stay outside anymore.  The last catfight cost my daughter a lot of money.

Dog is upset the cat is in.  She gets under the bed and waits for the cat to come in the bedroom.  I can hear the cat’s nails hitting the wooden floor.  I hear a dog making noises under the bed.  The cat starts into the bedroom and the dog is going after him.  They race thru the living room.  Nothing like a jealous dog.  Pretty soon everything settles down.  The cat slips into the bedroom and jumps up on the bed and nestles down next to me.  The dog figures this out and jumps up on the other side of me.  Of course I am pinned in one spot.  The dog keeps an eye on the cat.  The cat does not care.  Now I need to get to sleep.