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Diary Tag: shopping

Diarist A05 Day06

Hello Diary, 7:51 am.I woke around 6:30 am.I meditate for twenty minutes. Then I walk downstairs to pack lunch for my husband J while I…

Diarist A02 Day06

Diary: 11-14-17 I awoke at 4:30 am—not the plan. Drifted off for a bit but got up at 5:15. I wasn’t thinking about much beyond…

Diarist Z38 Day05

March 5, 2015 No alarm set for today. I’m awakened by the 7 o’clock text message I receive. I read it, check the time and…

Diarist A34 Day05

Diary entry: March 06, 2016 This has been an actual weird week for me. We found out that after our parent company has said we…

Diarist A26 Day05

Everyday Life in Middletown Day Diary- Saturday March 5th. Slept in- up at 10:30am, fixed coffee, let dogs out and in, medicines, checked email. Last…

Diarist A24 Day05

9:30 am Woke up, D. is laying close to me. That is surprising because she usually leaves the bed and sleeps in another part of…

Diarist Z43 Day04

Sunday 2/28 Diary 8:00 alarm goes off. I enjoy waking up when the sun is shining through the window. We’ve got a golf recruit on…

Diarist Z38 Day04

2/28/16 Sunday alarm 7 am. My husband hits the off button and says “a few more minutes.” We doze back off, I look at the…

Diarist A06 Day04

5:15am >> Dogs woke me up barking, but I stayed in bed. 6:15am >> got up after dogs were still barking. Fed everyone, let everyone…