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Diarist K95 Day 22

My diary day started differently this time as I was awake well past midnight because I was enjoying the women’s softball game between the Alabama…

Diarist F56 Day 22

This morning I woke up?at 7:00 and had my coffee. I chatted with my husband about the day and about some big life events coming…

Diarist C46 Day 22

Diary Day: May 12, 2023  The in-between times. The semester is over, but I’m not yet settled into my summer routines.  I don’t remember cancelling…

Diarist B37 Day 22

Day Diary   May 12, 2023  I’m off from work this week, a bit of down time between the end of spring semester and summer…

Diarist B35 Day 22

i had thought about recording another day here, one fuller, more robust with anecdotes and activities. a day that was not this day. no one…

Diarist A34 Day 22

Hello All,  It has been a while since my last post.  I was unaware that I was a part of the groups after my year. …

Diarist A23 Day 22

May 12, 2023  An update – Since the January 1 entry, my husband and I have separated. He is now living with a good friend…

Diarist A02 Day 22

12 May, 2023  A02  We’re up early—6:30 am. Today is not an everyday day. We (my wife, B and I) are in Springdale, Utah, in…

Diarist J89 Day 21

Dear Diary,   It’s January 1, 2023. I don’t know about the others who submit diary entries but to me the day I diary is always…