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Diarist A15 Day 18

December 9, 2021  Today was a busy day which is good because it gives me something to write about! Let me first provide some background…

Diarist A01 Day 18

Day Diary for Dec. 9, 2021    It’s a rare diary in which I actually awake in our beloved Middletown. I live in Indy, but…

Diarist J86 Day 18

December 9, 2021    Where do I even begin……? My day started around 2:45 this morning when my daughter’s dog, who was sleeping on my…

Diarist J84 Day 18

Today I am packing bags & loading my car for a trip to Indy. I’ll be visiting family; Mom age 92, Daughter & Son-in-law age…

Diarist G61 Day 18

Diary Day, December 9    8 am  Up in a groggy haze after a complicated, multilayered dream, containing threads of events and people from the past…

Diarist C46 Day 18

EDLM   December 9, 2021    My wife gets up to take a shower at 6:45 and turns on the bedroom light because I also need to…

Diarist B35 Day 18

i woke up around 5a but made myself sleep fitfully until nearer my proper wake-up time of 6a. the doggo did not stir – he was…

Diarist A07 Day 18

I jotted some notes throughout the day on our diary day, but honestly, it’s 4 days later and I’m just now getting to sit down and think…