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Diarist A23 Day 18

December 9 – a Thursday. It is shaping up to be a typical work Thursday, so we will see if this turns out to be interesting or not! 


6:30a – I wake up, hoping I made it at least to this side of 6, which I did. I immediately think of a couple of friends that I know very recently got their COVID booster shot, and have been having a rough day of it, with its after effects. They are probably fast asleep right now, and that makes me happy. I take my time waking up fully.


8a – My hubby’s alarm goes off, and I decide it’s probably time for me to get up and ready. I pick my work outfit, throw it into the dryer to de-wrinkle, hop in the shower, and it’s about 8:20 when I get done with that. A co-worker messages me to let me know that no one will be there to work in her department until around 2, and that my department will have to cover for them this morning. Luckily this is one of those uncommon days when my entire department is scheduled to be there today, so it shouldn’t be a big deal. The cat is trying his hardest to get my attention to feed him. Hubs is in the kitchen putting together a crock-pot meal for this evening. I make a Starbucks order, and leave out at around 8:40. I took tomorrow off, so today is my Friday. 8 short hours until a 3-day weekend! When I get in, my only goals for today are to create the January schedule for my staff, and complete my annual review form, in preparation for that meeting later this month. It’s not as cold as I was fearing it’d be, and there was no ice on the windshield to have to wait and thaw. I take this as a good omen for today. Sigur Ros on the Spotify shuffle, which always is a good winter choice. I roll into work at 8:57; not late today! 


9:28a – Having worked out the department coverage for the day, I am sitting in my office typing this, as I get ready to check emails and make the January schedule. Everyone at work seems to be in a fairly good mood. It’s a nice, quiet, low-pressure sort of work day.


11:30a – It is now my turn to look over the depleted department for an hour. Luckily, it is very quiet in here today.

12:45p – Lunch time! I get really tired of the same 3-4 lunch places that I stop through on the way home for an hour. But I stop at one anyway, and continue home. The cat is very glad to see me. 


1:45p – Back at my desk, I pick up where I left off creating the 2022 schedule document. I also make what is turning out to be a pretty imposing list of errands for tomorrow, on my day off. This includes running around making purchases (at local shops) for gifts for my staff, their accompanying cards, gas fill-up, oil change, haircut, and to get 3 items framed for our walls at home. Luckily, with all of my staff here, I am not needed too much throughout the building, so I can plug away at office tasks while kind of introverting in my office. I will get back to being personable later. Not to say I am in a bad mood or anything, this is just kind of an introvert afternoon.

6:00pm – The rest of the afternoon went pretty uneventfully at work. I make my way home, and Grab some of what’s in the crock pot while I watch something inane on Youtube. I believe it was “I Did a Thing”. I have been really run down this week, and I pass out at 8:30, which is really sad. I wake back up at around 9:30, and hang on until around 11 before I give up and go pass out. As much as I have been dragging this past week or so, I wonder to myself if I have come down with COVID again, but it’s not nearly as bad as last time, exactly a year ago, since I am now double vaccinated and boosted. I have been really sedentary lately, and with my birthday coming up next week, I think I might use that opportunity to mark a starting line for some much-needed health and lifestyle improvements.