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Diary Tag: politics

Diarist A02 Day 17

EDLM Diary  A02  10/22/2021    Awoke 7:30, but it took a few minutes to haul myself out of bed.  Slept a little longer after a late night (because of baseball…

Diarist I69 Day 16

It is a widely known fact that New Year’s Resolutions don’t work insofar as they don’t change people’s beliefs or behaviors resulting in long-term lifestyle changes; rather, they…

Diarist G61 Day 16

Woke up late.  L. watched football games until midnight, and I used PBS passport to catch up on missed episodes of Masterpiece Theatre.  With later sunrise, we…

Diarist D50 Day 16

Diarist D-50  Entry for 3 January 2021      A cold, wet, morning in Middletown; a nation on the edge of political crisis; a world…

Diarist C45 Day 16

January 3, 2021  New Year’s greetings on a dreary first Sunday of the year. Despite the hanging gloom, I took my first real walk of…

Diarist I69 Day 15

Everyday Life in Middletown: A Diary I drank too much wine last night. I also ate more jalapeño Cheetos than a person should eat in…

Diarist H63 Day 15

September 24, 2020 6:30am: I woke up with a bitch of a hangover to my cat, F, attacking my feet like the little asshole he…

Diarist G61 Day 15

A strange electronic noise awoke me from a weird dream.  What in the world?  And then I recognized it.  The Girl Cat (GC) was walking…

Diarist G60 Day 15

9/24 diary G60   As is typical for me, my diary day starts at midnight. I spend an hour playing a new game I received…