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Diarist H63 Day 15

September 24, 2020

6:30am: I woke up with a bitch of a hangover to my cat, F, attacking my feet like the little asshole he is. It’s been a long damn time since I’ve gotten wild on a Wednesday night. But it was trivia and karaoke and I’ve had a shitty few weeks, so I didn’t care much. I got out of bed, took my morning meds (and added some much-needed Tylenol to that cocktail of pills), put fresh food and water out for F, and made some breakfast. I scrambled some eggs and threw some French toast sticks in the toaster. I have been trying to give up pop but with that damn hangover, I decided to pour myself a very tall glass of good ol’ Mountain Dew. What a way to start a Thursday morning.

7:15am: After playing with F in the living room, I grabbed a clean shirt, boxers and shorts and went to the bathroom. I shaved my head and face, brushed my teeth, and hopped in the shower. I stood under the stream of warm water for a good 10 minutes while Alanis Morisette was playing on my bluetooth speaker. Nothing like a good “fuck you” song to get me going. Finished my shower and got dressed.

8:00am: Time to start the workday. I had good intentions and started out at my desk with my laptop hooked up to my dual monitors. Checked my email, sent a few chats to coworkers, and then decided to move to the recliner. Hangover still kicking my ass at this point. I turn the news on in the background and listen to the conservative bullshit about appointing a new Supreme Court Justice just days after RBG passed. I quickly get disgusted and turn that shit off. I throw Netflix up on the screen and start watching The West Wing again. Oh, wouldn’t it be lovely if we had Josiah Bartlett as our President! Even if he did come to a sudden arboreal stop while riding his bicycle on his vacation in Jackson Hole. I digress…

10:00am: Played the “Lets Have Yet ANOTHER Zoom Call” game…seriously, I have 3-5 of these fucking things every day. I am so goddamned tired of Zoom calls. SO TIRED. But this one was only 15 minutes. After we ended the call, I read a few more emails and reports to prepare for the other three calls scheduled for today.

11:15am: Zoom call #2 of today. This one was a doozy. I fucked up and didn’t read the right info to be prepared. So I was frantically reading and talking out of my ass (which I should be a pro at by now) and hoping for the best.

12:30pm Lunch time. I gave F some treats and lunchmeat (because his fatass will cry and claw my legs if I don’t share). I made myself a BLT with Texas toast. And drank another bigass glass of Mountain Dew (sorry Doc!).

2:00pm Zoom calls #3-4. Short and sweet, thank god. Didn’t have to talk during these. Just sat there in my recliner with Netflix on the TV and the asshole cat in my lap.

4:00pm I can finally disconnect from the VPN and clock out for the day. F is still in my lap (not sure why he’s hella cuddly all of a sudden) but I had to move him to the side so I could get up. Headache is finally gone, but I still feel like shit from last night’s festivities. I certainly can’t “party” like I used to in my younger days. In a way, I miss those days, but my wallet sure doesn’t.

6:00pm T texts me and says he misses me. Which, don’t get me wrong, I miss him too. But he just hasn’t made any sort of effort to talk to me, let alone see me. There are days when I wish we never met. Its been a struggle since day one, but somehow I can’t let go. But that’s a whole other story.

7:00pm I log into the text bank website. I’ve been working with some progressive organizations and helping them text voters in swing states lately. I requested tonight’s batch of texts and send them. Only had a few pro-Trump assholes tonight, so it wasn’t too bad. With tonight’s batch of 250, I’ve sent out 3000 texts so far but have only had 248 conversations with voters. It’s a disappointing ratio, but it’s honestly better than door-to-door canvassing. I don’t get doors slammed in my face or cussed out in person. I can handle these keyboard warrior jackasses.

9:00pm I take my night meds and drink several glasses of water. F is still really cuddly. I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but I’ll take it. He’s never been a very affectionate cat. I guess all cats are like that, right? They will love on their terms. I brush my teeth and floss. I make sure all the lights are turned off and crawl into bed with a movie. Tonight’s viewing while I try to sleep is “To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar”…because who doesn’t love Patrick Swayze and Wesley Snipes in drag!

Overall, I would give today a 7/10. Even though restrictions are being loosened (which means cases are gonna be on the rise again), I still feel fairly trapped in the house. Going out last night was a rarity. But it was nice. I don’t really remember the last time I had a genuinely good time with friends and forgot about the shitshow that is 2020. I am tired of constantly being attacked on all sides with negativity and shitty news. COVID has really fucked my way of thinking.