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Diarist B37 Day08

Day Diary April 27, 2018 It’s 6:34 a.m. I woke up at 4:30, not wanting to, and tossing and turning for more than an hour.…

Diarist B35 Day08

Friday, 27 April 2018 i got up early as usual to get ready for a day at work around 5:30a. coffee and toast with cream…

Diarist A31 Day08

Dairy day 4-27-18 I was awoke by a 5:06 am wake up call from best friend, asking “are you going to prayer this morning?” Which…

Diarist A29 Day08

This moment—now this one—and this Steps toward soulful awareness in Middletown April 27, 2018 • By “Lafe” Ain’t easy bein’ soulful—aware there is more going…

Diarist A25 Day08

Everyday Life in Middletown 4/27/18 I wake about 3:00 and am unable to go back to sleep until, of course, right before the 5:30 alarm…

Diarist A24 Day08

April 27,2018 Friday Dear dairy: What type of day did I have? It was interesting. I got up as usual 10:30 AM and let the…

Diarist A21 Day08

Friday April 27, 2018 6:02am I’ve been up since 4:18a.m. Breakfast consisted of oatmeal, bananas, homemade pop-tarts (thanks to my resourceful and creative wife), coffee,…

Diarist A17 Day08

April 27, 2018 8:30 am Went to a breakfast club meeting with some coworkers. One had a Mr. Rogers coffee mug and we talked very…

Diarist A14 Day08

6:30 am: Wake up, as usual, without an alarm. I grab my phone look through Facebook’s On This Day app to see what was happening…