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Diarist C46 Day 20

Diary Day: Sept 16    I wake up with my wife’s alarm around 7:30. I remember a dream that involved a vacation being cut short…

Diarist C45 Day 20

Friday, Sept. 16  Volunteer and public service is on my mind today as I begin my diary entry. I’ve been pretty busy on the last…

Diarist B35 Day 20

Friday, 16 September 2022  I got up a smidge early – slept better the night before despite odd and slightly disturbing dreams. there were lots…

Diarist A33 Day 20

EDLM  September 16, 2022    My mornings consistently start with wondering how to organize the day and by greeting my deceased husband with “I love…

Diarist A23 Day 20

September 16, 2022  In August, I took a new position within my company, at a different branch. It is an opportunity to learn a completely…

Diarist A15 Day 20

Diary Day  September 16, 2020  My husband left for a week’s vacation visiting friends and some family members in Wisconsin this morning. He left about…

Diarist A07 Day 20

These things always seem to come along when my life is extraordinarily … exciting isn’t the right word … chaotic? Interesting? Depressing? I don’t know,…

Diarist A02 Day 20

A02 September 16, 2022    Awoke at 7. I had thought I might sleep more after a busy, tiring week but pretty much as soon…

Diarist A01 Day 20

    Note: I have kept every Everyday Life in Middletown diary since 2016, and this is the first one that is pieced together retrospectively.…

Diarist J77 Day 19

J77 Diary Note: The following is a transcription of an interview with J77 reporting on activities on April 5, 2022. It is lightly edited for…