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Diary Tag: sleep

Diarist A24 Day02

9:00am wake up and cuddle with D. (the dog). It is so quiet and relaxing. Why don’t I just stay in bed, but D. needs…

Diarist Z40 Day01

Friday Feb 12th, 2016 Didn’t get much sleep last night but enough I suppose. Stayed up late watching the Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton debate…

Diarist Z39 Day01

My alarm wakes me up at 6:11 a.m. and I get up from the couch still very tired. I was sleeping on the couch because…

Diarist Z38 Day01

Day Diary 2/12/16 6:45 Wake up, excited to sleep in few extra min. Turn t.v. on to Chanel 18 news. Go to restroom, turn on…

Diarist A34 Day01

Feb 10, 2016 Since this is the first journal entry I may struggle with the requirements on the specifics but I know my daily routine…

Diarist A30 Day01

2-12-16 Today is a travel day. J. and I have done a lot of traveling but since we adopted L. 9 months ago, traveling is…

Diarist A26 Day01

Everyday Life in Middletown Day Diary Up an hour early (6am) to attend Muncie Sunrise Rotary. Ugh, I am not a morning person. Made my…

Diarist A06 Day01

5:35am– >>alarm goes off thinking: “oh, no, I have to get up. Ihategettingupsofuckingearly. then “Oh, It’s Friday. That’s better.” Still having cold symptoms. >> up…

Diarist A05 Day01

Everyday Life in Middletown Friday February 12, 2016 7:00 am. Awake but still prone. I awoke to the sound of the trash truck driving by.…