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Day: April 27, 2018

Diarist A28 Day08

EDLM 3 The migraine that arrived yesterday decided to stay the night. I have had little sleep as a consequence. As a result there is…

Diarist A25 Day08

Everyday Life in Middletown 4/27/18 I wake about 3:00 and am unable to go back to sleep until, of course, right before the 5:30 alarm…

Diarist A24 Day08

April 27,2018 Friday Dear dairy: What type of day did I have? It was interesting. I got up as usual 10:30 AM and let the…

Diarist A23 Day08

Friday, April 27, 2018 12:00 AM Why am I still awake? I have had a huge, busy week at work; you would think I’d be…

Diarist A21 Day08

Friday April 27, 2018 6:02am I’ve been up since 4:18a.m. Breakfast consisted of oatmeal, bananas, homemade pop-tarts (thanks to my resourceful and creative wife), coffee,…

Diarist A20 Day08

• Awoke this morning at 5:00 a.m. before alarm set for 5:30. Got up, made coffee for my spouse, took a shower, and got dressed.…

Diarist A18 Day08

April 27, 2018 Friday I meet with C. case mngr. from Meridian today. I meet with case mngr. Centerstone S. today too. Woke at 5:15am.…

Diarist A17 Day08

April 27, 2018 8:30 am Went to a breakfast club meeting with some coworkers. One had a Mr. Rogers coffee mug and we talked very…

Diarist A16 Day08

April 27, 2018 6:50 AM Up before my alarm went off after tossing and turning since about 5:00. Finally fell back to sleep about 5:45…

Diarist A15 Day08

April 27, 2018 7:30 Woke up with the alarm on my phone. Got ready for the day. Ate a mix of yogurt, muesli, nuts and…