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Diarist C46 Day 18

EDLM   December 9, 2021    My wife gets up to take a shower at 6:45 and turns on the bedroom light because I also need to…

Diarist A25 Day11

EDLM – May 15, 2019 I wake early today, 5:34 am. I am at the farm(a) near Muncie which is where we have a sitter…

Diarist B35 Day11

Wednesday, 15 May 2019 our last day in California. we’d already been to Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia National Parks. today, we were spending in…

Diarist A24 Day11

Well here it is May 15 and it is time to rise and shine.  Of course being retired that means 10:30am.  Let the dog out,…

Diarist A18 Day11

May 15, 2019, Wednesday Woke at 7 am and let B. outside. Turned off outdoor lights and made coffee. Looking forward to hearing from M.…

Diarist A07 Day11

May 15, 2019 diary   6:30                 Up and at ‘em! My therapist has been riding me about having a more consistent morning routine, including getting…

Diarist A06 Day11

6am: up with doggies. Extra time with post-surgical dog. Spinal surgery last week, so takes more time for potties and have to do exercises three…

Diarist A02 Day11

Today’s a little different.  It’s S.’s last full day on earth.  S. is the family dog, a beloved part of our household.  She’s become increasingly…