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Diary Tag: memory

Diarist A30 Day06

November 14, 2017 5:07 AM – Woke up before me alarm. Did sleep well last night, but that strangely makes it easier for me to…

Diarist A29 Day06

DIARY DAY Tuesday, 14 November 2017 So, it’s midnight at the oasis. Well, not at the oasis, but at our home. The clock has just…

Diarist A26 Day06

November 14, 2017. 7am- Woke up this morning and my thoughts are consumed with a work related issue. Feels insurmountable, but deep down I know…

Diarist A21 Day06

Tuesday November 14, 2017 4:17am Awake. I do not mind being an early riser. Time for morning ablutions. 5:56am Last night I dreamed of today…

Diarist A14 Day06

6:30 am – I wake up, without an alarm. My body is on a routine. It seems, that circadian rhythm is a real thing. I…

Diarist A05 Day06

Hello Diary, 7:51 am.I woke around 6:30 am.I meditate for twenty minutes. Then I walk downstairs to pack lunch for my husband J while I…

Diarist A34 Day05

Diary entry: March 06, 2016 This has been an actual weird week for me. We found out that after our parent company has said we…

Diarist A26 Day05

Everyday Life in Middletown Day Diary- Saturday March 5th. Slept in- up at 10:30am, fixed coffee, let dogs out and in, medicines, checked email. Last…

Diarist A06 Day04

5:15am >> Dogs woke me up barking, but I stayed in bed. 6:15am >> got up after dogs were still barking. Fed everyone, let everyone…