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Diarist A30 Day06

November 14, 2017

5:07 AM – Woke up before me alarm. Did sleep well last night, but that strangely makes it easier for me to get out of bed. I’m already worrying about how I will feel around 1 PM today, but for now it’s off to the gym to play some basketball. I haven’t been getting as much cardio exercise as I’d like recently, so it’s a needed workout.

7:09 AM – Just arrived back from basketball. Despite no sleeping much, I felt great. Body felt good and I was hitting shots. It’s always a fun time with the guys and, as I said before, I was in need of a good run.

7:51 AM– Got home in time to catch a quick shower before getting my 2 and a half year old daughter ready for the day. She is currently eating breakfast while I’m drinking my coffee and journaling. My scheduled items on my agenda for the day include a breakfast with an old friend who is back in town for the holidays, going to look at a house that my wife and I have had our eye on for a potential move, and I have a meeting tonight with a group of young people in our church that I have been mentoring. Outside of those schedules items, I should have enough time to prep for tonight’s meeting, get a few scheduling things done, and perhaps slip in a 30 minute nap if this afternoon gets too hazy.

9:30 AM- After dropping my daughter off at my parent’s for the day, I head over to meet my friend at Bob Evan’s. We enjoy breakfast and catch up with each other’s lives and talk about jobs, kids, politics, etc. He is a great conversation and it is always good catching up with him.

11:15 AM- Arrive home to get a few ends and outs done before we head over to look at the house we have had our eye on.

12:25 PM- My wife and I just had a walk through of the house. We had a contractor with us as well to give us a quote on the renovations we would want to make. There is only a small chance we end up here, which is fine. We like our house and our neighborhood. We are just in the dreaming stage at this point, but it is fun to look.

1:15 PM- Just arrived back home after taking a few minutes to drive through the neighborhood of the home we looked at. I spend a lot of time there growing up with some friends who lived there. It was a little like a trip down memory lane. It’s amazing how you remember certain things and how when you look at them again they are a little different than how you viewed them when you were ten years old.
Now I am back home to prep for my mentoring meeting tonight.

2:20 PM – I just walked the dogs. This is my daily routine that is as much for me as it is them. When I hit a spot in my work where I just can’t think straight, it helps to get out for 20 minutes or so. It is especially nice when the whether is cooperating. Today was a bit brisk, but I don’t mind because it was sunny. A good walk is always essential for clearing my head and getting me refocused.

3:34 PM- Spent a few hours preparing for our gathering tonight. I will be teaching on communion, one of my favorite topics of discussion within the Church. We will be reading some scripture, reading a chapter from a book, and having some teaching and dialogue on the subject.

5:15 PM – I spent the last few hours running a few errands and picking up a few things for tonight. I had to make some copies, pick up some pain for a bathroom we have been repainting, and grab a few groceries. I was in a bit of a hurry because I also need to head over to my parents to pick up my daughter. It was a bit of a whirlwind running downtown, then to the northwest side of town and getting everything done, but I managed it and feel like I have had a good productive afternoon, even though it went by very quickly.

6:48 PM – We are in the middle of our family time, which is always exhausting, but incredible with a two and a half year old. Attempting to connect after a day apart, make and eat dinner, and spend some quality time together can be challenging but is always memorable if not chaotic. Tonight our daughter eats her favorite, Macaroni and Cheese while my wife and I have some leftover potato soup. It hits the spot on a cool fall day. Our group will be here in less than 45 minutes so I spend the rest of my time doing some final prep work.

7:30 PM- My group arrives at our house and we are ready to meet and discuss communion.

10:00 PM- The day is almost done and everyone else is asleep. The group went well tonight and we had some great discussion. I am pleased. I also finished up some of the painting in the bathroom afterward. Needless to say, after a day that started at 5 AM, I am tired and ready for bed. It’s been a great day and I am ready for a little TV to unwind, and then to get some sleep that will hopefully be better than the night before.