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Diarist A24 Day11

Well here it is May 15 and it is time to rise and shine.  Of course being retired that means 10:30am.  Let the dog out,…

Diarist A23 Day11

May 15:   12:00am – In bed, drifting off…tomorrow is a looong day. So sleepy…must keep my laptop with me…I think I will roll over…

Diarist A16 Day11

5/15/19   6:00-6:10-6:20   Alarm on my phone goes off but I hit the snooze and start checking messages and thinking about the day while…

Diarist A07 Day11

May 15, 2019 diary   6:30                 Up and at ‘em! My therapist has been riding me about having a more consistent morning routine, including getting…

Diarist A02 Day11

Today’s a little different.  It’s S.’s last full day on earth.  S. is the family dog, a beloved part of our household.  She’s become increasingly…

Diarist A01 Day11

EDLM Diary May 15, 2019   I wake briefly probably around 4 o’clock and lie there. There’s no birdsong so I know the sun hasn’t…

Diarist E54 Day10

Saturday, December 15, 2018 – First Diary Entry. I’m not sure how much detail I should give but I do remember reading that P. said…

Diarist E53 Day10

December 15, 2018 So, day after finals is finally over! (F*** Yes!) It doesn’t feel like school’s out, y’know? Like it’s almost surreal. This semester…

Diarist D50 Day10

December 15, 2018   Hello again, dear Reader of the Future! I have returned to regale you with the details of another thrilling day in…

Diarist C48 Day10

My Saturday begins at 6:00am. Not what I intended. My husband is already awake and showering so he can be at work at a coffee…